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    展开全部"where's papa going with the ax?said fern to her mother as they were
    setting the table for breakfast.
    out to the hoghouse,"replied mrs.arable."some pigs were born last
    i don't see why he needs an ax,"continued fern,who was only eight.
    well,"said her mother,"one of the pigs ** a runt.it's very small and weak,
    and it will never amount to anything.so your father has decided to do away with
    do away with it?shrieked fern."you mean kill it?just because it's
    smaller than the others?mrs.arable put a pitcher of cream on the table."don't yell,fern!she said.
    your father ** right.the pig would probably die anyway.
    fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors.the grass was wet and
    the earth smelled of springtime.fern's sneakers were sopping by the time she
    caught up with her father.
    please don't kill it!she sobbed."it's unfair.
    fer,"he said gently,"you will h**e to learn to control yourself.
    control myself?yelled fern."th** ** a matter of life and death,and you
    talk about controlling myself."tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of
    the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand.
    fern,"said mr.arable,"i know about ra**ing a litter of pigs than you
    do.a weakling makes trouble.now run along!but it's unfair,"cried fern."the pig couldn't help being born small,could
    it?if i had been very small at birth,would you h**e killed me?mr.arable smiled."certainly not,"he said,looking down at h** daughter
    with love."but th** ** different.a little girl ** one thing,a little runty
    pig ** another.
    i see no difference,"replied fern,still hanging on to the ax."th** ** the
    most terrible case of injustice i ever heard of.
    a queer look came over john arable's face.he seemed almost ready to cry
    all right,"he said."you go back to the house and i will bring the runt when
    i come in.i'll let you start it on a bottle,like a baby.then you'll see what
    trouble a pig can be.
    when mr.arable returned to the house half an hour later,he carried a carton
    under h** arm.fern was upstairs changing her sneakers.the kitchen table was
    set for breakfast,and the room smelled of coffee,bacon,damp plaster,and wood
    smoke from the stove.
    fern came slowly down the stairs.her eyes were red from crying.as she
    approached her chair,the carton wobbled,and there was a scratching no**e.
    fern looked at her father.then she lifted the lid of the carton.there,inside,
    looking up at her,was the newborn pig.it was a white one.the morning light
    shone through its ears,turning them pink.
    he's yours,"said mr.arable."s**ed from an untimely death.and may the
    good lord forgive me for th** fool**hness.
    fern couldn't take her eyes off the tiny pig."oh,"she wh**pered."oh,look
    at him!he's absolutely perfect.
    《charlotte's web》电影的简介




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