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少年不瞒心盟错 少年不瞒心盟错
  • 杰哥 杰哥

    2.micheal scofield are in a hopeless predicament-h** brother-lincoln burrows was found guilty of murder h**e been invested in the fox river pr**on's death row.while all the evidence pointed out that lincoln ** the murderer,michael convinced that h** brother ** innocent.lincoln's death approaching,and they h**e no other choice,michael gunmen entered a bank,later arrested and jailed to lincoln's side.as a construction engineer michael participated in the pr**on on the renovation project here that if the palm,he designed a complete escape plan,impr**onment for the sole purpose ** to rescue lincoln health days and also their innocence.
    4.lincoln's former girlfriend veronica-donovan ** the murder of the defence lawyers,she believed that lincoln ** a charge.in the process of continuing to investigate,veronica found that th** ** far from being a simple murder case,the victims involved in the death of the interests of the many vips-vice-president of the presence gradually from behind the scenes appear.with the in-depth investigation,the danger ** imminent veronica,witnesses h**e mysterious killing,lincoln's family suffered,unfortunately,and the mysterious killing veronica figures,it ** the secret fbi officers.




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