

DouDou DouDou
  • 七号少年 七号少年

    迈克(文特沃斯·米勒wentworth miller 饰)和哥哥林肯(多米尼克·珀塞尔dominic purcell 饰)自从母亲去世、父亲失踪后就相依为命。林肯虽然是个街头混混,但他为了弟弟能顺利完成学业,出人头地,瞒着他向**借了9万美金,骗迈克说那是母亲的保险。迈克凭着这笔钱顺利成为了一名建筑结构工程师,并踏入了上流社会。而林肯为了还**,无奈之下答应了一名陌生男子的要求,去枪杀一个人。当林肯按照计划来到停车场时,发现他的目标已经中枪死亡了,慌乱之下林肯跑回了家。**很快就在林肯家里捉住了他,无辜的林肯这时才发现一切证据都指向自己。麦克终于在好友那里得知了哥哥为自己所做的一切,他十分后悔当时自己对哥哥的傲慢,经过调查,麦克相信哥哥是被人陷害的,而陷害他的可能牵涉到幕后的****!眼看各种办法都无法帮哥哥洗脱罪名,麦克记起自己以前曾经接过关押林肯的狐狸河监狱的改造工程,他有那里的整**纸,于是,麦克通过一年时间的精心准备后,故意犯案进入了狐狸河监狱,他要凭借自己的力量将被判了死刑的林肯顺利救走。林肯的昔日女友维罗妮卡-多诺万是**案的辩方律师,她相信林肯是被陷害的。在继续调查的过程中,维罗妮卡发现这远不是一桩单纯的**案,被害人之死牵扯了许多大人物的利益—副**的身影渐渐从幕后显现。而随着调查的深入,危险也在迫近维罗妮卡,证人相继神秘被杀,林肯的家人也遭遇不幸,而追杀维罗妮卡的神秘人物,竟然是联邦调查局的秘密探员。与此同时,迈克尔在狱中艰难地准备着越狱计划,意想不到的人和事接连出现在通向自由的道路上.
    pr**on break ** an adelstein-parouse production in association with 20th century fox telev**ion.as a telev**ion series hit in america since 2005,it has a great cast.the series ** created,written and executive-produced by paul scheuring.brett ratner who once directed"x-3,""rush hour,"and"red dragon"directed the pilot and serves as executive producer.
    pr**ion break has won a great deal of reputation.the series won 3 awards and was nominated 11 times in 2005 and 2006 only due to the first season,the most extraordinary of which are wentworth miller’s being nominated for golden globe best performance by an actor in a telev**ion series in drama and the first season’s beying nominated for best telev**ion series in drama in 2006.
    the series also has a wonderful cast of characters.wentworth miller,whose role ** michael scofield,the main character of the series,has won a good reputation.london born-brooklyn ra**ed miller ** part african-american,jamaican,german,french,dutch,syrian,and lebanese.he graduated quaker valley senior high school in leetsdale,pa in 1990 and went on to princeton,where he tr**eled the world with the school's a capella group.after graduating princeton with a degree in literature,he moved to los angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry,and later acting.miller was cast in"pr**on break"because h** signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character,and later,the breakout star of the 2005 tv season.
    michael scofield ** a desperate man in a desperate situation.h** brother,lincoln burrows,** on death row for the assassination of the vice president's brother and scheduled to die in a few months.at first,michael didn’t believe h** brother’s words that he didn’t kill that man.after michael knew h** brother was taken advantage of simply because of the money which lincoln couldn’t pay back and the money was borrowed to help michael achieve h** dreams and got a good job,michael was deeply moved and he ** convinced lincoln did not commit the murder.with no other options and time winding down,michael held up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside h** brother in fox river state penitentiary which was,to everyone’s surpr**e,designed with the help of michael.once he's inside,michael-a structural engineer with the blueprints for the pr**on-begins to execute an elaborate plan to break out lincoln and prove him innocent of th** sensational murder.
    with the help of h** cellmate,sucre,michael begins to align himself with a d**parate group of pr**oners,including former mob boss john abruzzi and charles westmoreland,a man some believe to be the infamous skyjacker d.b.cooper.on the outside michael has only one ally,h** defense attorney and longtime friend,veronica donovan-who also happens to be lincoln's former girlfriend.meanwhile,lincoln's 15-year-old son,lj,** now adrift without h** uncle michael's positive influence in h** life.
    rounding out the cast are doctor sara tancredi,who michael ends up v**iting in the pr**on infirmary than he should,senior correctional officer bellick,who ** determined to keep a close eye on h** new pr**oner,and the powerful warden pope,who forges a close,almost father-son relationship with the new convict.
    pr**on break combines the hope of"the shawshank redemption,"the camaraderie of"the longest yard"and the tense procedure and spectacle of"the great escape."th** intriguing series reveals additional pieces of the puzzle as michael carries out h** daring plan to mastermind the ultimate pr**on break-and solve the far-reaching national-scale conspiracy that landed h** brother there in the first place

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