qq倚天怎么玩 升级和强化装备心得

梅雨婷 梅雨婷
  • 沈雨潇潇 沈雨潇潇

    1、你的意思是为什么那句子的括号里用closely而不用closed吗?因为closely修饰的是谓语动词examined,而closed是过去分词,单个过去分词不构成非谓语动词,放在room后面也不合理,除非这样的句子合理the room closed by him just now ** open now.句子里的closed就是非谓语动词做room的后置定语。2、①he was picked out from the whole class to represent them!他被从这个班里挑选出来做代表。该句中,主干部分是he was picked out,被动语态,而from the whole class 是介词短语做地点状语,to represent them是介词短语做目的状语。②the man were all for the plan to be carried out!这个句子有问题,the man是单数,过去要用was,the man was all for the plan to be carried out.这个人赞成这个计划的实施。all for 表示完全赞同,the plan后面的to be carried out表示这个计划要在将来实行,是非谓语动词不定式,做后置定语的。③the police man examined the room<closely>to find the lost jewels!**未来找到丢失的珠宝仔细地检查房间。the police man主语,examined谓语,the room宾语,closely副词修饰谓语动词,to find the lost jewels做目的状语。




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