浴血长空新手飞机怎么选 新手飞机攻略指南

我打天堂过 我打天堂过
  • 伐开心 伐开心

    是的,好像是写给他父亲的。make it rain
    演唱:ed sheeran
    when the sins of my father 当我父亲犯下的过错
    weigh down in my soul 在我的心里留下阴影
    and the pain of my mother 还有我妈妈的痛苦
    will not let me go 让我难以释怀
    well i know 我知道从天空
    there can come fire from the sky 会燃起一团烈焰
    till we find the purest of kings 像魔杖一样净化心灵
    and even though i know th** fire 即使 我知道这火焰
    brings me pain 会带给我伤痛
    even so,i'm just the same 即使是如此,我也不会变改
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    the seed needs the water 种子需要雨水的灌溉
    before it grows out of the ground 在它破土而出之前
    but it just keeps on getting hard 还是要一直拥有
    and the hunger profound 深切而永久的渴望
    well i know 我知道
    there can come tears from their eyes 它们的眼中会滑下泪珠
    but they may as well be in vain 但那也是徒劳
    even though i know these tears 即使我知道这是
    come with pain 源于痛苦的眼泪
    even so,i'm just the same 即使是如此,我也不会变改
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    just make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    and the seas are full of water 海水充满海洋
    stops by the shore 被海岸阻隔
    just like the riches of grandeur 就像宏伟的财富
    oh,no no,never reach the poor 从未到达港口
    and let the clouds 让雷鸣声
    fill with thunderous applause 轰隆作响
    and let lightning be the veins 让闪电肆虐
    fill the sky with all they can drop 摧毁天空而欲坠
    when it's time to make a change 当不得不做出改变时
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain down lord 下起倾盆大雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    make it rain 下雨吧
    oh,make it rain 噢,下雨吧

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