
筦滢 筦滢
  • 跟老王看电影 跟老王看电影

    secret love
    s club
    seeing double
    secret love-s club
    lyc by
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la la
    i come to see you
    every night
    all on my own
    nobody else
    the way that you're dancing
    the look in your eyes
    how your body moves
    will hypnot**e
    i can't
    show my feelings
    when i'm around you
    but i can
    hide th** secret secret secret
    like i do
    i see the fire in your soul
    and it drives me wild
    the music's burning in my heart
    i feel desire
    when you dance i lose control
    cause you lead me on
    to the point of no return
    my secret love
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la la
    underneath the moonlight
    i imagine h** k**s
    all of my dreams
    start like th**
    i'm way downtown
    i'm out of my depth
    why am i here
    what do i say
    but i can't
    fight my feelings
    when i'm around you
    but i can
    hide th** secret secret secret
    like i do
    i see the fire in your soul
    and it drives me wild
    the music's burning in my heart
    i feel desire
    when you dance i lose control
    cause you lead me on
    to the point of no return
    my secret love
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la la
    the way you move's so firey and strong
    dark latin heats me up as the beat goes on
    your moody stares send shivers down my spine
    the i watch the my temperature climbs
    and my secret shows
    i see the fire in your soul
    and it drives me wild
    the music's burning in my heart
    i feel desire
    when you dance i lose control
    cause you lead me on
    to the point of no return
    my secret love
    i see the fire in your soul
    and it drives me wild
    the music's burning in my heart
    i feel desire
    when you dance i lose control
    cause you lead me on
    to the point of no return
    my secret love
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la-la la
    la la-la la-la la-la la la la la

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