

绿袖 绿袖
  • Aman。 Aman。

    因为是写生活感受,我觉得不如就写个重点,先说明自己对大学原来的第一印象,然后总结一下这一个月来关于如何融入大学生活的心得。一味的写如何如何好,认识新朋友之类都被用烂了。the fr**t month of my college life
    my first impression of college ** that college ** hard enough on most students without h**ing to worry about fitting in the scene;no matter how small or large the college campus,students tend to worry about making a good first impression on their professors,classmates and others they come across.in th** month,i summr**ed some tips about how to sink myself in the collesge life.
    1、dress appropriately.wear a nice shirt and pants or jeans.be comfortable—one don’t h**e to wear a dress suit everyday,but you don’t want to wear sweats and a tank top everyday either.remember these teachers might one day h**e to write you a reference and your fellow students might one day be your co-workers or bosses.
    2、be polite.smile,don’t talk loudly,especially on your cell phone.pay attention.teachers,classmates and others around you will respect you more.
    3、be on time.impress your teachers by getting to class a little early.th** also will give you a chance to pick a good seat(not in the back of the classroom),talk to other classmates,or take a break before class begins.
    4、strike up a conversation.even if you are shy,try to casually talk to a classmate or professor before they talk to you.introduce yourself,talk about the weather or about an assignment.something as simple as“how was your weekend?can go a long way.th** also could help another classmate feel welcome.
    5、be prepared.whether it’s studying for a test,reading an assignment or bringing something to class,do it.th** will impress your teachers and any classmates who might be in a group with you for an assignment.
    6、speak intelligently.talk clear and conc**e.think about what you are going to say rather than simply blurting it out.
    7、be friendly.h**e good posture,smile and laugh when it's appropriate.speak up when necessary.
    8、express yourself.whether it’s through a personal touch in your clothing or accessories,a short story at the appropriate time or in your work,be sure to show your personality and be creative.
    anyway,the college life ** awesome.new teachers,new classmates and fresh friends are around me.i’ve felt their friendship,wide knowledge and opening mind.the grand library,school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me.i am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly.
    all in one,with the above tips,i think i can get into it perfectly.




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