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    “youth ** wasted on the young.”george bernard shaw
    “youth ** a wonderful thing.what a crime to waste it on children.”
    george bernard shaw
    george bernard shaw(1856-1950)
    ir**h dramat**t,literary critic,a social**t spokesman,and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.shaw was a freethinker,defender of women's rights,and advocate of equality of income.in 1925 he was awarded the nobel prize for literature.shaw accepted the honour but refused the money.
    just as the h**torian can teach no real h**tory until he has cured h** readers of the romantic delusion that the greatness of a queen cons**ts in her being a pretty woman and h**ing her head cut off,so the playwright of the first order can do nothing with h** audience until he has cured them of looking at the stage through the keyhole,and sniffing round the theatre as prurient people sniff round the divorce court."(from g.b.shaw's preface in three plays by brieux,1911)
    george bernard shaw was born in dublin,where he grew up in something close to genteel poverty."i am a typical ir**hman;my family came from yorkshire,"shaw once said.h** father,george carr shaw,was in the wholesale grain trade.lucinda el**abeth(gurly)shaw,h** mother,was the daughter of an impover**hed landowner.she was 16-years younger than her hu**and.george carr was a drunkard-h** example prompted h** son to become a teetotaller.when he died in 1885,h** children and wife did not attend h** funeral.young shaw and h** two s**ters were brought up mostly by servants.shaw's mother eventually left the family home to teach music,singing,in london.when she died in 1913,shaw confessed to mrs.patrick campbell:"i must write to you about it,because there ** no one else who didn't hate her mother,and even who doesn't hate her children.
    in 1866 the family moved to a better nei**orhood.shaw went to the wesleyan connexional school,then moved to a private school near dalkey,and from there to dublin's central model school.shaw fin**hed h** formal education at the dublin scientific and commercial day school.at the age of 15,he started to work as a junior clerk.in 1876 he went to london,joining h** s**ter and mother.shaw did not return to ireland for nearly thirty years.
    most of the next two years shaw educated himself at the brit**h museum.he began h** literary career by writing music and drama critic**m,and novels,including the semi-autobiographical immaturity,without much success.a vegetarian,who eschewed alcohol and tobacco,shaw joined in 1884 the fabian society,served on its executive committee from 1885 to 1911.the middle-class social**t group attracted also h.g.wells-the both writers send each other copies of their new books as they appeared."you are,now that wilde ** dead,the one living playwright in my esteem,"wrote wells after receiving shaw's three plays for puritans(1901).
    a man of many causes,shaw supported abolition of private property,radical change in the voting system,campaigned for the simplification of spelling,and the reform of the alphabet.as a public speaker,shaw gained the status of one of the most sought-after orators in england.in 1895 shaw became a drama critic for the saturday review.articles written for the ** were later collected in our theatres in the nineties(1932).music,art,and drama critic**m shaw wrote for dramatic review(1885-86),our corner(1885-86),the pall mall gazette(1885-88),the world(1886-94),and the star(1888-90)as 'corno bi basetto'.h** music critic**m were collected in shaw's music(1981).after lacing a shoe too tightly,an operation was performed on h** foot for necros**;shaw was unable to put h** foot on the ground for eigh** months.during th** period he wrote caesar and cleopatra(1901)and the perfect wagnerite(1898).".i h**e no reason to believe that they would h**e been a bit better if they had been written on two legs instead of one,"he said in a letter to the playwright st john ervine.h** friend had h** leg amputated during wwi after being hit by a shell splinters.
    in 1898 shaw married the wealthy charlotte payne-townshend.they settled in 1906 in the hertfordshire village of ayot st.lawrence.shaw remained with charlotte until her death,although he was occasionally linked with other women.he carried on a passionate correspondence over the years with mrs.patrick campbell,a widow and actress,who got the starring role in pygmalion.all the other actresses refused to say the taboo word 'bloody' that the playwright had put in the mouth of eliza.when she wanted to publ**h h** love letters to her,shaw answered:"i will not,dear stella,at my time of life,play the horse to your lady godiva.
    the norwegian playwright henrik ibsen had a great influence on shaw's thinking.for a summer meeting of the fabian society in 1890,he wrote the quintessence of ibsen**m(1891),in which he considered ibsen a pioneer,"who declares that it ** right to do something hitherto regarded as infamous."shaw's early plays,widower's houses(1892),which criticized slum landlords,as well as several subsequent ones,were not well received.h** 'unpleasant plays',ideological attacks on the evils of capital**m and explorations of moral and social problems,were followed with entertaining but as principled productions."to a professional critic(i h**e been one myself)theatre-going ** the curse of adam.the play ** the evil he ** paid to endure in the sweat of h** brow;and the sooner it ** over,the better."(from 'preface' to saint joan).candida was a comedy about the wife of a clergyman,and what happens when a weak,young poet wants to rescue her from her dull family life.but it was not until john bull's other **land(1904)that shaw gained in england a wider popularity with h** own plays.in the unites states and germany shaw's name was already well-known.between 1904 and 1907 the royal court theatre staged several of h** plays,including candida.
    morell:man can climb to the highest summits;but he cannot dwell there.
    marchbacks(springing up):it's false:there can he dwell for ever,and there only.it's in the other moment that he can find no rest,no sense of the silent glory of life.where would you h**e spend my moments,if not on the summits?morell:in the scullery,slicing onions and filling lamps.
    (from candida)
    major barbara depicted an officer of the salvation army,who learns from her father,a manufacturer of armaments,that money and power can be better weapons against evil than love.ironically the producer of the film version of the play,gabriel pascal,was eager to do business with sir basil zaharoff,an arms dealer.
    pickering:h**e you no morals,man?doolittle:can't afford them,governor.
    (from pygmalion)
    pygmalion was originally written for the actress mrs.patrick campbell.later the play became the bas** for two films and a musical.(shaw's correspondence with the actresses ellen terry and stella campbell are **ailable in book form.)shaw's popularity declined after h** essay 'common sense about the war'(1914),which was considered unpatriotic.with saint joan(1924),h** masterpiece,shaw was again accepted by the post-war public.now he was regarded as 'a second shakespeare',who had revolutionized the brit**h theatre.shaw did not portrait joan of arc,h** protagon**t,as a **e or martyr,but as a stubborn young woman.and as in classic tragedies,her flaw ** fatal and brings about her downfall.uncommonly shaw showed some sympathy to her judges.the play was written four years after joan was declared a saint.
    in 1893 shaw collaborated with keir hardie in writing the party program for the new independent labour party.many of h** playes also were philosophical addresses on the subject of individual responsibility or freedom of spirit against the conform**t demands of society.shaw was cofounder with the webbs of the london school of economics,and launched the petition against the impr**onment of oscar wilde.in 1897 he entered local **.
    in h** plays shaw combined contemporary moral problems with ironic tone and paradoxes,"sh**ian"wit,which h**e produced such phrases as"he who can,does.he who cannot,teaches","england and america are two countries divided by a common language","chr**tianity might be a good thing if anyone ever tried it",and"i never res**t temptation because i h**e found that things are bad for me do not tempt me."d**cussion and intellectual acrobatics are the bas** of h** drama,and before the emergence of the sound film,h** plays were nearly impossible to adapt into screen.during h** long career,shaw wrote over 50 plays.he continued to write them even in h** 90s.george bernard shaw died at ayot st.lawrence,hertfordshire,on november 2,1950.he was cremated and it was h** w**h that h** ashes be mixed with those of h** wife,charlotte-she had died seven years before,"an old woman bowed and crippled,furrowed and wrinkled,"as shaw depicted her in a letter to h.g.wells.
    since the days of the silent films,shaw had been a fan of motion-picture.he also played in the film rosy rapture-the pride of the beauty(1914).shaw did not like much of the german film version of pygmalion(1935),and the penniless producer and director gabriel pascal persuaded the author to give him the rights to make films from h** plays."mr pascal,you're the first honest film producer i h**e ever met,"shaw told him at their first meeting and g**e him a pound note.pygmalion,produced by pascal and directed by anthony asquith and d**id lean(uncredited),was a great success.in one article,pascal was picked with the pope and hitler as one of the ten most famous men of 1938,but h** career ended in the financial fiasco of the spectacle caesar and cleopatra(1945).among several other films inspired by shaw's plays are saint joan(1927),how he lied to her hu**and(1931),arms and the man(1932),major barbara(1941),and my fair lady(1964).pascal's co-director in major barbara was d**id lean,but for thousand pounds lean agreed to give the full ...

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