

郑爽 郑爽
  • 碧水天蓝 碧水天蓝

    展开全部[26:24.20]-bonjour.-aah!慢点,小家伙,别担心 没什么可怕的
    [26:25.47]slow down,little fella.there's nothing to worry about.
    [26:29.31]-he's scared to death.-i want to go home.-他快要吓死了-我要回家
    [26:32.58]do you know where my dad **?谁知道我爸爸在哪?[26:34.65]honey,your dad's probably back at the pet store.亲爱的,你爸爸 可能回宠物商店了
    [26:37.45]pet store?宠物商店?[26:38.65]yeah,you know,like,i'm from bob's f**h mart.是的,比如说,我来自鲍波鱼市
    [26:41.39]-pet palace.-f**h-o-rama.-我在鱼宫-鱼类超市
    [26:42.99]-mail order.-ebay.-我是邮购-网上
    [26:44.49]-so,which one ** it?i'm from the ocean.-那么你从哪来?我从大海来的
    [26:47.22]ah,the ocean.the ocean?大海,大海?[26:49.19]aah!aah!aah![26:51.13]he hasn't been decontaminated.jacques!他一定是还没有消毒的 虾虾![26:53.86]-oui.-clean him!什么事-消毒![26:55.23]oui.遵命
    [26:56.80]-ocean.-ooh,la mer.bon.-大海-大海,很好
    [26:59.27][accordion music playing]
    [27:01.07]voila.he ** clean.好了,干净了
    [27:05.68]wow.the big blue.what's it like?说一说,大海什么样?[27:08.98]-big and blue.-i knew it.-就是很大很大的?废话
    [27:13.05]if there's anything you need,just ask your auntie deb.孩子,有事就找漂漂大婶,也就是我
    [27:16.29]or if i'm not around,you can talk to my s**ter flo.我不在,可以 找我的妹妹,亮亮
    [27:19.42]hi.how are you?嗨,你好吗?[27:21.23]don't l**ten to anything my s**ter says.不要相信我妹妹任何话
    [27:22.79]she's nuts.[laughs]她是疯子
    [27:24.66][muffled]we got a live one.又来了活的
    [27:25.80]-can't hear you,peach.-i said we got a live one.-没听清,小桃-我说又来个活的
    [27:28.87]-boy,oh,boy.-what do we got?没错,事情进行到哪了?[27:30.87]root canal-and by the looks of those x-rays.钳除牙根-从x光片来看.
    [27:32.44]it's not going to be pretty.事情好像不太好办
    [27:33.94][drill whines]aaah![27:35.67]-dam and clamp installed?yeah.-橡皮放了吧?放了
    [27:37.14]-what did he use to open?gator-glidden drill.-用什么器械钻的?鸡牌牙钻
    [27:38.98]he seems to f**or that one lately.最近他总喜欢用那个
    [27:40.68]i can't see,flo.我看不见了,亮亮
    [27:43.65]patient:you're getting a little too-aaah![27:45.82]peach:now he's doing the schilder technique.他在采用新的技术
    [27:47.05]bloat:he's using a hedstrom file.用的是海德斯牙戳
    [27:48.49]that's not a hedstrom file.that's a k-flex.不是海德斯牙戳 是克弗洛克牙戳
    [27:50.72]it has a teardrop cross-section.clearly a hedstrom.他的剖面像内肌 当然是海德斯
    [27:56.66]there i go.a little help,over here.噢,我漂起来了,快帮帮我,来人吧
    [27:58.83]deb:i'll go deflate him.我去给他放气
    [28:03.07]dent**t:all right.go ahead and rinse.好了,漱口吧
    [28:05.27]oh,the human mouth ** a d**gusting place.人嘴真是个肮脏的地方
    [28:11.04]-hey,nigel.-what did i m**s?嗨,大嘴鸽-都做了什么?我来晚了吗?[28:13.01]peach:root canal-a doozy.钳除牙根,非常精采
    [28:14.21]root canal?what did he use to open?钳除牙根是吗?用什么打牙?[28:15.88]-gator-glidden drill.-he's f**oring that one.-鸡排牙钻-他最喜欢用那个
    [28:17.95]hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus.但用他能用剩下的填料
    [28:20.99]-hello.who's th**?new guy.ha ha ha!你好,他是谁?新来的
    [28:24.12]the dent**t took him off the reef.牙医在大海抓到他[28:25.49]an outie.from my neck of the woods,eh?外来户,咱们是邻居?[28:27.89]sorry if i ever took a snap at you.墨西哥的眺望线
    [28:29.43]f**h gotta swim,birds gotta eat.鱼在水中游,鸟在天上吃
    [28:30.86]hey!no,no,no,no!不行!不行![28:32.60]they're not your f**h.they're my f**h.你不能吃这个 这是我养的
    [28:34.23]come on,go.go on,shoo!走开.快去
    [28:38.37]aw,the picture broke.镜框摔碎了
    [28:40.07]th** here's darla.she's my niece.这是达娜的照片 是我侄女
    [28:42.17]she's going to be eight th** week.刚满八岁
    [28:43.67]hey,little fella.嘿,小东西
    [28:45.18]say hello to your new mummy.这是你的新伴侣
    [28:46.98]she'll be here friday to pick you up.周五就来接你回家里
    [28:49.48]you're her present.shh,shh,shh.你是她的生日礼物
    [28:51.35]it's our little secret.这只是咱们的小秘密
    [28:53.45]well,mr.tucker,while that sets up.塔克先生,你还要等一会儿.
    [28:55.02]i'm going to see a man about a wallaby.我出去一下,这就回来
    [29:00.76]what?what's wrong with her?什么?她怎么了?[29:02.66]gurgle:she wouldn't stop shaking the bag.她老是把袋子甩来甩去
    [29:05.40]-poor chuckles.-he was her present last year.-可怜的恰克斯-他是去年达娜的生日礼物
    [29:09.20]bloat:hitched a ride on the porcelain express.死后被丢进马桶
    [29:11.60][t oilet flushes]
    [29:13.44]peach:she's a f**h killer.
    [29:15.67]i can't go with that girl.我不要跟她走
    [29:17.98]i h**e to get back to my dad.我一定要去找我爸爸
    [29:19.78]aah!daddy!help me!老爸,快来救我
    [29:23.71]oh,he's stuck.他被卡住了
    [29:24.92]gill:nobody touch him.大家别碰他
    [29:29.39]nobody touch him.让他自己来
    [29:31.39][nemo grunting]
    [29:37.09]can you help me?你能救我吗?[29:38.56]no.you got yourself in there.不,你能自己进去,
    [29:40.60]you can get yourself out.
    [29:42.30]-gill-i want to see him do it.-齐格-我希望他自己做,懂吗
    [29:44.60]calm down.alternate wiggling your fins and your tail.注意,现在向相反 方向摇动鳍和尾
    [29:48.47]i can't.i h**e a bad fin.我不行,我的鳍受过伤
    [29:51.31]never stopped me.那又怎么样
    [29:53.51][dramatic music playing]
    [29:57.55]just think about what you need to do.心里想着该怎么作
    [30:04.09]come on.加油
    [30:11.06]-yeah!you did it!你成功了![30:12.46]good squirming.ha ha ha![30:14.26]wow.from the ocean-just like you,gill.他来自大海,跟你一样,齐格
    [30:19.10][chuckles]i've seen that look before.我以前见过那种表情
    [30:21.51]what are you thinking about?你在想什么?[30:23.21]i'm thinking.我在想.
    [30:25.01]tonight,we give the kid a proper reception.今天晚上,我们该给 这孩子正式接风
    [30:28.61]so,kid,you got a name or what?孩子,你有没有名字?[30:30.31]nemo.i'm nemo.尼莫,我叫尼莫

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