

  • 鱼是 鱼是

    专辑名称:海底总动员(finding nemo)专辑封面
    艺 术 家:托马斯·纽曼(thomas newman)发行时间:2003年 专辑曲目:1.wow 2.barracuda 3.main title:nemo egg 4.first day 5.field trip 6.mr.ray,scient**t 7.the divers 8.lost 9.short-term dory 10.why trust a shark 11.friends not food 12.f**h-o-rama 13.gill 14.mt.wannahockaloogie 15.foolproof 16.squ**hy 17.jellyf**h forest 18.stay awake 19.school of f**h 20.filter attempt 21.the turtle lope 22.curl away my son 23.news tr**els 24.the little clownf**h from the reef 25.darla filth offramp 26.lost in fog 27.scum angel 28.haiku 29.time to let go 30.sydney harbour 31.pelicans 32.drill 33.f**h in my hair!34.all drains lead to the ocean 35.p.sherman,42 wallaby way,sydney.36.f**hing grounds 37.swim down 38.finding nemo 39.fronds like these 40.beyond the sea
    专辑名称:海底总动员(finding nemo complete score)艺 术 家:托马斯·纽曼(thomas newman)版本:complete score 发行时间:2003年 特别说明:这张《finding nemo complete score》是完全配乐版的promo,不仅收录了官方版本的全部39首配乐(官版第40首是主题曲“beyond the sea”),还包括了另外12首未收录的曲目,当然曲目名称和编曲会有细微差别。专辑封面
    专辑曲目:01.opening 02.barracuda 03.nemo egg-main title 04.first day 05.journey to school 06.joke-mr.ray 07.to dropoff 08.dropoff reveal 09.boat-hate you 10.out to sea-divers 11.lost 12.dory-boat 13.meet bruce 14.shark meeting 15.shark chase 16.nemo in tank 17.bubbles 18.meet tankers 19.darla-stuck-gill 20.angler f**h 21.initiation 22.escape plan 23.school of f**h 24.trench-squ**hy 25.jellyf**h 26.rescue dory 27.m**s your dad 28.filter attempt 29.turtle drive,part 1 30.turtle drive,part 2 31.turtle drive,part 3 32.news tr**el 33.proud-stops filter 34.darla-filth-offramp 35.lost in fog 36.swallowed-scum 37.whale,part 1 38.whale,part 2 39.whale,part 3 40.sydney harbour 41.net for nemo 42. pelicans 43. gull chase 44. office frenzy,part 1 45.office frenzy,part 2 46.crabs-nemo&dory 47.dory remembers 48.f**hing ground-dory trapped 49.swim down 50.nemo hurt 51.ending




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