
卿。锦年 卿。锦年
  • 林夕 林夕

    你看看这样行不行,重复的副歌我就不打了,-表示可以连读,括号里面的't'或者'ke'可以轻声,t不发音都可以。有点偷懒,呵呵~and 你就只管念字母'n'就可以。take me to your heart
    hiding from the rain n snow
    trying to forge(t)but-i won'(t)le(t)go
    looking at-a crowded street
    l**tening to my own hear(t)beat
    so many people all-aroun(d)the world
    tell me where do i fin(d)someone like you girl
    ta(ke)me to your heart ta(ke)me to your soul
    give me(gimme)your hand before i'm-old
    show me wha(t)love ** h**en'(t)got-a clue
    show me tha(t)wonders can be true
    they say nothing lasts forever
    we're-only here today
    love ** now or never
    bring me far-away
    standing on-a mountain high
    looking a(t)the moon through a clear blue sky
    i should go n see some friends
    bu(t)they don'(t)really comprehend
    don'(t)need too much talking withou(t)saying anything
    all-i need ** someone who makes me wanna sing




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