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    the universe ** famous chinese mythology,a name of pangu in h** power ** opened,and the body,im a worldly stories.to cultivate students' chinese accompl**hment and cooperation of exploring spirit,innovation spirit ** an important concept of new course standards.th** class teaching,in order to achieve th** goal,also embody the new curriculum standard for knowledge and ability,emotion and attitude,process and method of three dimensions,fully arouse students' enthusiasm and initiative,open and dynamic language classroom.
    th** ** a simple,the contents of fairy tales,teaching me to"read"give priority to,read,read through multiple let students understand the myth,but also to capture the beautiful place.7 paragraph 2,especially the key ** to guide students.in addition,the myth of the features are rich imagination,i also intend to guide the students with the rich imagination,thereby outspread,expand the leading reflect teachers and students' subject status,embodies the chinese language and society,openness and combining with the character**tic of life.learn the second paragraph,lets the student caught"left hand cut,the axe","fierce"split fierce cut stone burst"key words,imagine the god of the universe,and experience of hard d**k valley of light and create infinite and yearning,the new world of determination.in the teaching,and then read,meticulous with the text comprehension and guide students to enrich their language accumulation.through the"high","with eigh** thousand words,imagine in the long years pangu willpower,perseverance,and th** ** how easily!experience pangu in order to create a better world of determination.when the third paragraph of teaching,guides the student to grasp exhausted","including a smile","death"words,talk about their feelings.from the classroom in teaching atmosphere,with the students' cognitive laws designed to promote the teaching,students' enthusiasm and feelings are to a climax.from the beginning,then contact,welts deeply alcott,experience,and in the end,th** ** the true fire boil the classroom process,** also a reflection of learning and records.students of pangu understanding by ** mighty,and also to the intrepid,tenacity and perseverance,and in the end the selfless dedication,fear no sacrifice,"lofty"th** summary,giant ** imagery to rational thinking,the great image in pangu students frames.at the end of the music of pangu ** rendering,dedicated foil




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