
炉石传说 国服

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    the very beginning know that th** ** a single cell of the main character,clearly will not be swimming alone dare to break through the sea.but the road to fly open while laughing so,whether it's the face of a huge vortex,or will be chopped down to the knife.secular conflict of interest,he can not see,the complex relationships he has no need for thinking.the bumps along the way in h** laughter to dilute the original sad,but also every person he met to find the target.simply do not know how to give up the commitment ** a long,long time ago,he prom**es.on that day,there are children,said:"i would like to become a pirate king"the very beginning know that th** ** a man of grace,shallow smile of h** eyebrows climb over h** eyes,fixed in h** mouth.even the absorption of the pharynx and will not look like i hate people.sanji,however,why do you prefer to nest at sea when the restaurant chef,would rather give up the dream of the past,would h**e beaten the protection of th** place?on the day that you cry roared the zhuofu barefoot ** the best position to know you.love ** not bound to,rather than pay a debt of gratitude for salvation.because your eyes h**e been watching the same place,so when you look to another piece of the sky,i believe he must also be seen.on that day,there are children,said:"i h**e to find all blue".
    一开始就知道这是个有风度的男子,浅浅的微笑爬过他的眉毛他的眼角,定格在他的嘴边。就连吸咽的样子也不会让人觉得讨厌。但是山治,你为什么宁愿窝在海上餐厅里当厨师,宁愿放弃过去的梦想,宁愿挨打也保护这个地方?那个整天对你大吼大叫的赤足卓夫其实是最了解你的人。爱不是为了束缚,报恩不是为了救赎。因为你们的目光曾经注视过同一个地方,所以当你望向另一片天空的时候,我相信他也一定看得到。那天,有个孩子说:“我一定要找到all blue”。参考资料来自海贼王贴吧:
    the voyage to find the one piece ** a long and difficult voyage led by luffy,the pirates enter the sea lane know as"grand line"and continue theirvoyage.various hardships from ragingstorms to powerful enemies-lie in wait for them,but they
    continue to fight in hopes of finding the legendary treasure,onepiece.
    意思:此行航海是去找onepiece,在路飞的带领下,他们经过了一段漫长并且艰难的航行。这些海盗驶入大海中那条被称为有名的“伟大的航路”的航道,继续他们的航行。来自敌人设置的愤怒的暴风雪所带来的种种困难正等着他们,但是他们依然坚持战斗,希望能够找到那个著名的宝物,onepiece。注:onepiece中文是一块,一片的意思。onepiece本来是指尾田喜欢的女性穿的一件连衣裙,后来被他拿来指大海盗时代中最伟大的宝藏,也就是动画片<海贼王>的另一个名字,也是指 伟大航路(grand line)中的终极目的地,在一座小岛里面放有第一位海贼王哥尔·罗杰的所有财产
    the wealth,the authority,the king of pirate gold.d.roger once had all,he had left a words when he died:"wants my wealth?to find it.all my things are there,in grand line!thereupon and people rush to the sea,tr**el in grand line.the big pirate time of the whole worle was coming!many years later,one boy had pledgeded to a pirate who had broken an arm:"i must become the king of pirates!so,ten years later,a great tale has beginning!th** ** a story about a crowd of youth like dreaming,they h**e warm,they h**e will,they h**e companion.




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