

小雨 小雨
  • 喆叶 喆叶

    fight song-rachel platten
    like a small boat
    on the ocean
    sending big w**es
    into motion
    like how a single word
    can make a heart open
    i might only h**e one match
    but i can make an explosion
    and all those things i didn't say
    wrecking balls inside my brain
    i will scream them loud tonight
    can you hear my voice th** time
    th** ** my fight song
    take back my life song
    prove i'm alright song
    my power's turned on
    starting right now i'll be strong
    i'll play my fight song
    and i don't really care if nobody else believes
    cause i've still got a lot of fight left in me
    losing friends and i'm chasing sleep
    everybody's worried about me
    in too deep
    say i'm in too deep
    and it's been two years
    i m**s my home
    there's a fire burning in my bones
    i still believe
    yeah i still believe
    and all those things i didn't say
    wrecking balls inside my brain
    i will scream them loud tonight
    can you hear my voice th** time
    th** ** my fight song
    take back my life song
    prove i'm alright song
    my power's turned on
    starting right now i'll be strong
    i'll play my fight song
    and i don't really care if nobody else believes
    cause i've still got a lot of fight left in me
    a lot of fight left in me
    like a small boat
    on the ocean
    sending big w**es
    into motion
    like how a single word
    can make a heart open
    i might only h**e one match
    but i can make an explosion
    th** ** my fight song
    take back my life song
    prove i'm alright song
    my power's turned on
    starting right now i'll be strong
    i'll play my fight song
    and i don't really care if nobody else believes
    cause i've still got a lot of fight left in me
    now i've still got a lot of fight left in me

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