

吃葡 吃葡
  • 云舒 云舒

    歌曲名:never dead
    专辑:never dead
    released on november 1,2011
    the killers lie in wait for innocent blood
    swallow the lives of harmless souls
    walking a crooked path
    their wicked names will r**e
    evil lives in the dark
    (it's right to be feeling wrong)
    the torment never ends(it never ends)
    the fire that burns inside!that's bl**tering their brains!that's makes them sacrifice!that's driving them insane!trapped in th** no man's land
    where angels dare to thread
    forever banned to the realms of the never dead!there ** no one you can trust upon th** gr**e
    die with those things with flu to sin
    feeding all the wars
    they'll feed up in the end
    if i fall i'll set the dark
    (it's right to be feeling wrong)
    the torment never ends(it never ends)
    the fire that burns inside!lets blitzkrieg their brains!that's makes them sacrifice!let's drive them insane!swatting ** no man's lair
    where angels dare to thread
    forever bet to the rounds of the never dead!(dead swifts before you,to cross up to **
    imagine builds up in your body,you will be dying)
    for the rest of your life!in the realms of the never dead!solo-
    the fire that burns inside!that's bl**tering their brains!that's makes them sacrifice!that's driving them insane!trapped in th** no man's land
    where angels dare to tread
    forever banned to the realms
    of the never dead!http://music.baidu.com/song/24630980




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