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    **是一个大国,与56 nationalities.different民族有不同的婚俗,但无论国籍,婚礼通常是很复杂的。**传统的结婚通常涉及六日必要的程序,即:配合决策,接触,订婚礼物,迎接新娘,三鞠躬,并非婚生饮用葡萄酒。此外,一个典型的**婚礼,现在是这样的:当一个新的夫妇从事,随之而来的是一个选择的日期,他们的婚姻。多数人都会青睐银行假日或特殊的**艺术节,为他们的亲属和朋友来参加婚礼
    china ** a large country with 56 nationalities.different nationalities h**e different marriage customs,but whatever the nationality **,the wedding ceremony ** usually very complicated.the traditional chinese marriage usually involves 6 necessary procedures,namely:match-making,engagement,betrothal presents,meeting the bride,three bows,and drinking wedlock wine.in addition,a typical chinese wedding nowadays goes like th**:when a new couple ** engaged,what followed ** a choice of the date of their marriage.most people would f**or a bank holiday or special chinese festival for their relatives and friends to attend the wedding.
    a wedding ** divided into 17 parts
    1:newoutgun playing music
    2:worship the he**ens and earth
    3:worship the ancestors
    4:thinkshome people
    5,:thanks big matchmaker
    6,:wedding gift to the guests v**it
    7.:a hu**and and wife baidoa
    8.:took the oath of marriage
    9.:the representative of the man's relatives delivered a congratulatory ** to the newcomers
    10,:representatives of the woman's relatives delivered a congratulatory ** to the newcomers
    11.:wedding special guest delivered a congratulatory ** to the newcomers
    12.:thanks to the word groom
    13,:the bride word of appreciation
    14,:witnesses who delivered a congratulatory ** to the newcomers
    15,:the man's parents:
    16,:statement by the woman's parents
    17,:wedding celebration of the end of opening




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