

小傲娇 小傲娇
  • 水星人 水星人

    the charge of the light brigade(轻骑兵的冲锋)
    alfred lord tennyson(阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生)
    1.half a alliance,half alliance,半个军团,半个军团,
    half alliance onward,半个军团前进着,
    all in the valley of death 冲进死亡的谷地
    six hundred alliance.六百骠骑向前。forward,the light brigade!“前进,轻骑兵!charge for the guns!he said:为我们的枪上膛!他说:
    into the valley of death 进入死亡之谷
    rode the six hundred.骑兵六百名
    2."forward,the light brigade!“前进,轻骑兵!was there a man d**may'd?可有人丧气灰心?not tho' the soldier knew 不,战士知道这不可能
    someone had blunder'd:有人疏忽犯错:
    their's not to make 无人回答,
    their's not to reason why,无人发问,
    their's but to do and die:有的只是去战**:
    into the valley of death 进入死亡之谷
    rode the six hundred.骑兵六百名
    3.cannon to right of them,炮火在他们右边,
    cannon to left of them,炮火在他们左边,
    cannon in front of them 炮火在他们前面
    volley'd and thunder'd;万弹齐发炸雷轰天;storm'd at with shot and shell,枪炮猛击犹如暴雨,
    boldly they rode and well,他们英勇无畏策马飞身,
    into the jaws of death,进入鬼门关
    into the mouth of hell 进入地狱之口
    rode the six hundred.六百骠骑向前
    4.flash'd all their sabres bare,他们所有的马刀出鞘闪闪发光,
    flash'd as they turn'd in air,空中挥舞寒光闪闪,
    sabring the gunners there,砍杀那里的枪炮手,
    charging an army,while 砍杀敌人,而
    all the world wonder'd:世人为之惊奇
    plunged in the battery-smoke 冲入战火硝烟
    right thro' the line they broke;直捣敌阵前沿;cossack and russian 哥萨克和**佬
    reel'd from the sabre stroke 从**战退缩
    shatter'd and sunder'd.溃垮离散。then they rode back,but not 然后他们骑回,
    但不再 not the six hundred.不再是六百骠骑壮汉。5.cannon to right of them,炮火在他们右边,
    cannon to left of them,炮火在他们左边,
    cannon behind them 炮火在他们前面
    volley'd and thunder'd;万弹齐发炸雷轰天;storm'd at with shot and shell,枪炮猛击犹如暴雨,
    while horse and hero fell,尽管战马和英雄倒下去了,
    they that had fought so well 他们已进行过如此漂亮的激战,
    came thro' the jaws of death 穿过鬼门关
    back from the mouth of hell,从地狱之口回返,
    all that was left of them,所有他们剩余的,
    left of six hundred.活着的六百骠骑好汉。6.when can their glory fade?他们的荣耀何时会褪色?o the wild charge they made!啊,他们进行过最狂野的冲锋!all the world wondered.全世界都为之惊叹。honor the charge they made,荣誉归于他们的冲锋,
    honor the light brigade,荣誉归于骑兵旅,
    noble six hundred.杰出的六百骠骑英雄汉。

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