地下城堡2冥王魔杖怎么获得 冥王魔杖属性图鉴


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    be11d的oracle agent与以前的版本有本质的不同,它采用rman来备份oracle数据库,也支持linux系统上的oracle数据库,很多用户对它的配置还不熟悉,特别是在linux系统上的配置,下面是我所做的一个配置实例。中文部分是我加的说明。[root@ora10g lib]#opt/vrtsralus/bin/agentconfig/安装好ralus之后,请使用root用户来配置代理程序。symantec backup exec remote agent utilitychoose one of the following options:
    1.configure database access
    2.configure oracle instance **rmation
    please enter your selection:1/要完成两个部分的配置,数据库访问和oracle实例,下面先配置数据库访问。configuring machine **rmation
    choose one of the following options:
    1.add system credentials for oracle operations2.edit system credentials used for oracle operations3.remove system credentials used for oracle operations4.view system credentials used for oracle operations5.quit
    please enter your selection:1/添加新的linux系统级访问凭据。enter a user name that has local system credentials:oracle/oracle是linux上面的用户,它必须是beoper组的成员。usermod-g将用户加入多个组/usermod –g groupusernameenter the password:
    re-enter password:
    validating credentials.
    do you want to use the full computer name/ip address for oracle operations?(y/n):n/指定名字的好处是,避免因为计算机名字或ip地址的变化导致recovery catalog中的记录信息混乱。do you want to use a custom port to connect to the media server during oracle operations?(y/n):n/默认的端口号是5633,建议不要改动它,除非这个端口己经被其它应用程序占用,如果这里做出了改变,介质服务器端也要做同样的修改。commit oracle operation settings to the configuration file?(y/n):ysuccess:successfully added the entry to the configuration file.
    上述配置中的计算机名(如果没有指定就是在介质服务器上连接这台机器时所使用的名字或ip地址),用户名和密码必须也介质服务器全局选项中oracle选项页中配置的为oracle和db2所设置的验证信息完全一致。configuring machine **rmation
    choose one of the following options:
    1.add system credentials for oracle operations2.edit system credentials used for oracle operations3.remove system credentials used for oracle operations4.view system credentials used for oracle operations5.quit
    please enter your selection:5
    symantec backup exec remote agent utilitychoose one of the following options:
    1.configure database access
    2.configure oracle instance **rmation
    please enter your selection:2/下面来配置oracle实例信息。if th** computer ** a rac node,you must perform additional steps for configuration before you continue.refer to the readme for these additional steps.
    configuring the oracle agent
    choose one of the following options:
    1.add a new oracle instance to protect
    2.edit an ex**ting oracle instance
    3.delete an ex**ting oracle instance
    4.view oracle instance entries that h**e been added in the remote agent utility5.quit
    please enter your selection:1
    select an oracle instance to configure
    entry 1.orcl/如果ralus检测到了系统中的oracle实例,实例名会列在这里供用户选择,如果你的实例名没有出现在这里,请检查l**tener和数据库的状态。enter the number 0 to go back
    enter your selection:1
    enter the oracle database sysdba user name:sys/oralce dba的账号,推荐使用sys。enter the oracle database sysdba password:
    re-enter password:
    validating credentials.
    enter the media server name or ip address:be11d/这里输入介质服务器的名字do you use a recovery catalog?(y/n):n/如果你己经安装好了用做recovery catalog的实例并做了初始化,就在这里输入实例名和登录账号,如果没有recovery catalog就选n,rman编录信息将被写入控制文件。do you want to use a customized job template?(y/n):n/这里不需要定义作业模板名,因为你在rman脚本中可以使用send“nbbsa_job_template=模板名”命令为每个备份指定不同的模板名,当然你要预先在介质服务器端创建好这个模板。commit oracle operation settings to the configuration file?(y/n):yrenamed file/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/libobk.so to/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/libobcreated symbolic link for/opt/vrtsralus/bin/libobk.so at/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/libobk.so/配置向导在oracle数据库的库文件目录下将libobk.so链接到ralus的文件,be接管了rman向磁带机写入数据的备份接口,rman向 **t或**t_tape设备写入数据时,ralus会把数据传送到介质服务器。success:successfully added the entry to the configuration file.
    configuring the oracle agent
    choose one of the following options:
    1.add a new oracle instance to protect
    2.edit an ex**ting oracle instance
    3.delete an ex**ting oracle instance
    4.view oracle instance entries that h**e been added in the remote agent utility5.quit
    please enter your selection:5
    symantec backup exec remote agent utilitychoose one of the following options:
    1.configure database access
    2.configure oracle instance **rmation
    please enter your selection:3
    [root@ora10g lib]#etc/init.d/vrtsralus.init start/配置完成,启动ralus。starting symantec backup exec remote agent.
    starting symantec backup exec remote agent:[ok]
    主要文件为ralus.cfg这里注意配置格式,需要将media server改为be server的hostname或者ip address,1.from the/etc/vrtsralus/directory,open the ralus.cfg file using a text editor2.to add additional media servers,add the following line:
    softwareverita**ackup execengineagentsagent directory l**t<suffix>=
    where<suffix>** a unique identifier,'a','b','c','1','2','3',and where<media server name>** the name or ip address of the backup exec 10.x media server.

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