
游 戏

qianyuqianxun qianyuqianxun
  • 明明很好a 明明很好a

    love apartment 爱情公寓 看得懂吧 o(∩_∩)o~
    (h:hanna w:wicky y:yuri z:zoi)
    scene 1
    (on a peaceful morning,yuri and zoi are setting on the teble h**ing thiers breakfast.later hanna shuts with a loud voice.)
    h:th** year how everyone ** the best!z:what's up,look your breath so quickly.(yuri and zio are h**ing drinks slowly.)
    h:zio,** it right?you did.(hanna points at zio.)
    z:what did i do?(zio was puzzle and spread out h** hands.)
    h:last time i said something bad with you,you just take a opportunity to revenge on me,don't u?z:don't make unfounded attack upon me.
    y:what are u talking about?h:i bought a book,detective conan.and then opened it,oh,guess what i saw.when i saw the page 2,i was in tears.
    z:what’s wrong?h:i don't know who the bastar **.he circled on someone in the comic and wrote he was the murdered.
    (y and z laugh.and change scene.)
    scene 2
    (h carries a laundry basket and put it down.)
    y:what's wrong with u again?(wicky appearance.)
    w:she ** unhappy.the reason ** that i beat her 5 dollars.
    y:right?dont you wanna be alive that you beat her.(你不想活了你连她的钱都敢赢)
    z:i guess correctly how many socks she washed.
    h:he happened to be.nothing good.
    y:he may looks your laundry basket.
    h:ah!you are so metamorphos**!w:i am not!i just attention about that you h**e a week did not wash your clothes.and the last three days you chose the same one.i inferential it.(reasoning)it’s lawyer’s intelligence.hanna didn't guess me correctly.
    h:how i can guess that you washed seven socks in last five days!w:because i only h**e seven socks.but it doesn't blame you.in fact,boys are smarter than girls.
    h:hey,you just won five dollars.dont be proud.would you like to prove how you are smart?w:it ** not proved.i am really smart or i only read a little and h**e known who the murdered was in the comic,conan.
    h:what did you say?y:so.you are the best that hanna talked about.
    w:don't i circle ** not the correct answer?h:who ake you the answer?you break my comic and if i don't pun**h you,i wont be smarter and stronger.
    (y stops h)
    w:i admit i am strong.but i am really samrt.
    h:are you?h**e you earned your living?w:haha,today i won five dollars.
    h:ok,i think i need to test your iq.let’s play a game.if you answer my questions,i ll give you another fifty dollars.
    w:fifty dollars.(a little d**dain.)ok come on!(excited.)
    (h and w sit diown and y stand.)
    h:no 1.
    (y knock the table and jump.)
    h:yuri,we are not in boxing.
    y:i just wanna render the atmosphere.(she stand by h.)
    h:question,why don't the polar bear eatting the penguin.
    w:because the polar bear are in polar,the penguin are in the antarctic.
    y:congratulation!you are right!(h glare at y)
    w:i am right,give me 50 dollars.
    h:don't worry.the next ** 100 dollars,would you like to join?w:come on!h:question,if has a car.jom was driving.tom and lam were sitting on the back seat.who ** the car owner?w:i know.in fact there ** no th** car because you said that“if”.
    h:haha excuse me,you are wrong.there ** really a car and the car owner ** called yif.y-i-f yif.because i said yif has a car just now.
    y:zhang wei you owe tow hundred and fifty.
    (then z cries on the table.)
    scene 3
    h:question,how to speak it in (h offer her hand on four fingers.)
    y:congratulation!h:and how to speak it in (h curves her fingers.)
    y:if you guess wrong again,you will owe two thousand dollars.
    h:i ll announce the answer.it’s wonderfour.
    (z cries on the table again.)
    h:give up guy.there are something you h**e to admire.
    w:let me go again?i can beat you.
    h:what do you h**e for me to make bets?w:talking about money ** not cultural.we can bet something free.
    h:ok i don't mind.if you answer the four questions,our debt will cancel once for all.
    w:ok,come on.
    h:question,what kind of torto**e walk with two feets?w:(wait a minute.)i know,it’s ninja turtle.
    h:not bad.next,what kind of dogs walk with two feets?w:er…snoopy.
    h:what kind of cats walk with two feets?w:hello kitty.
    h:yo you are right.next,what kind of ducks walk with two feets?w:donal duck haha!h:are you sure?do not every ducks walk with two feets?w:what!referee,she m**leads me!h:when did i say not to m**lead you?and who tell you she ** referee?(h point y)
    h:should i give you last chance?w:sure!h:question,what kind of birds walk with two feets?w:every!haha…
    h:yo,you h**e leant to answer.but who tell you every birds walk with two feets?the sparrow ** a jump.
    (w hematemes** diet.)
    (all actors go on stage and bow.)

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