
火鸟 火鸟
  • 墨一白 墨一白

    qinghai province ** a spa**ng jewel set on the northwest plateau of china,wherein the yangtze river,the yellow river as well as the mekong river take their source.the scenic quality of qinghai's widely varying landscape ** superb and enticing,offering from the ranges of gleaming mountains with glacier-capped peaks over 6000 meters high to the gobi desert dunes of qaidam,from lush ranchland to the sapphire-like lakes of vast area,all th** has created a land of marvel,mystery and diversity.qinghai lake ** a photographer and art**t's parad**e of mirrored pastel sunr**es,azure beauty in midday and the indigo blues of sunset.the bird **land on the western tip hosts hundreds of thousand migrate birds,hovering over the sky or diving into the water.great **sery of kumbum(taer **sery),still one of the living and the most important for believers,was built in 1560.with tsongkhapa,who found the yellow sect of **s and was born in here,all solemn religious celebrations observed here to h** honor.the excellent collection in kumbum are an eyeful of classic chinese-**an architecture which has been preserved in best condition for centuries and its three typical **an supreme arts developed by kumbum's ** art**ts,that ** evident in yak butter sculpture,frescoes and embossed embroidery.the qaidam,once been prosperous as the ancient silk road stretching across much of its length,** an idea place for expedition.you can explore the 'end of the world',mystic 'lost city' of which had been described by peter fleming in h** news from tartary and d**cover the beauty of dazzling salt lakes.the mengda botanical reserve in qinghai present a unique combination of plants and natural stone sculpture.a wide variety of trees,shrubs and flowers from native to sub-tropical blazes a rich exuberance of color.with its famed pond-he**enly lake,waterfalls and v**ible wildlife,it ** an idea for rambling and camping.along the yellow river down to the southeast of qinghai,tongren has been familiarized as the home of **an culture and art."regong art",originated in th** place,mainly reflect **an buddh**t culture.th** unique **an culture legacy include painting,frescoes,thangkas,sculpture and architecture.handing down from generation to generation,almost every man here inherits the occupation as an art**an.these are just a few of the diamond attractions of qinghai province,the qutan monastery,bichan dao**t temple,great donguan mosque,and other scenic spots and h**torical sites still await you to explore.notes:1.yangtze river 长江 2.mekong river 湄公河(澜沧江)3.the gobi desert 戈壁滩

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