

镜中人_c 镜中人_c
  • 立程 立程

    玛丽和马克思/巧克力情缘(台)mary and max-(2009)
    moll flanders-(2008)
    not quite hollywood-(2008)
    michael pa**nson's greatest entertainers-(2007)
    the dame edna treatment-(2007)
    finding nemo submarine voyage-(2007)
    the world's greatest comedy characters-(2007)
    the prince's trust 30th birthday:live-(2006)
    it started with swap shop-(2006)
    da kath&kim code-(2005)
    **enue of the stars:50 years of itv-(2005)
    the unseen spike milligan-(2005)
    101 biggest celebrity oops-(2004)
    frederik&mary-bryllupsshow i tivoli-(2004)
    海底总动员/海底总动员(台)/海底奇兵(港)finding nemo-(2003)
    nicole kidman:an american cinematheque tribute-(2003)
    dame edna live at the palace-(2003)
    少爷返乡/尼古拉斯·尼克贝 nicholas nickleby-(2002)
    party at the palace:the queen's concerts,buckingham palace-(2002)
    the jubilee girl-(2002)
    the 100 greatest tv characters-(2001)
    the 55th annual tony awards-(2001)
    night of a thousand faces-(2001)
    the talk show story-(2000)
    flashbacks with barry humphries-(1999)
    abc 2000:the millennium-(1999)
    python night-(1999)
    a royal birthday celebration-(1998)
    hollywood squares-(1998)
    the panel-(1998)
    辣椒狂热 spice world-(1997)
    欢迎来到伍普 welcome to woop woop-(1997)
    ally mcbeal-(1997)
    危险好男人 the leading man-(1996)
    迷失狗世界/小狗宝贝拿破仑 napoleon-(1995)
    the celluloid heroes-(1995)
    永远的爱人/贝多芬传 immortal beloved-(1994)
    pterodactyl woman from beverly hills-(1994)
    the 19th annual people's choice awards-(1993)
    the tonight show with jay leno-(1992)
    a night on mount edna-(1990)
    a night of comic relief 2-(1989)
    罗杰斯与凯茜·李脱口秀 live with reg** and kathie lee-(1989)
    破胆三次3/恶狼谷3 howling iii-(1987)
    les patterson s**es the world-(1987)
    dr.f**cher of geneva-(1985)
    the secret policeman's other ball-(1982)
    shock treatment-(1981)
    an audience with dame edna everage-(1980)
    纯真的谎言 the getting of w**dom-(1978)
    光芒万丈 sgt.pepper's lonely hearts club band-(1978)
    pleasure at her majesty's-(1976)
    the great mccarthy-(1975)
    side by side-(1975)
    barry mckenzie holds h** own-(1974)
    percy's progress-(1974)
    the adventures of barry mckenzie-(1972)
    the naked bunyip-(1970)
    the bl**s of mrs.blossom-(1968)
    眼花撩乱 bedazzled-(1967)the dame edna treatment-(2007)
    flashbacks with barry humphries-(1999)
    a night on mount edna-(1990)
    les patterson s**es the world-(1987)
    an audience with dame edna everage-(1980)
    barry mckenzie holds h** own-(1974)
    the adventures of barry mckenzie-(1972)funny by george:the george wallace story-(1999)




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