三国战棋类的**有么? 推荐几个比较火的。

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    22.有一个西红柿,被石头拌了一跤吧嗒摔烂了,又有一个西红柿吧嗒又摔烂了,还有一个西红柿吧嗒吧嗒吧嗒吧嗒吧嗒无数个西红柿摔烂了最后一个西红柿也摔倒了啊嗒耶!番茄酱耶!23.士兵问连长:作战时踩到**咋办?连长大为恼火:靠,能咋办?踩坏了照价赔偿。24.一天,三只小猪为了躲避大灰狼的追赶,而建造了三个小屋。大灰狼不费劲的吹毁了草屋,木屋,砖屋,三只小猪们拼命的跑,但是还是被大灰狼追上了。三只小猪绝望地说,你看着办吧。我们放弃了,随你怎样。此时,大灰狼奸笑着,留着口水说:那快告诉我小红帽在哪里?25.大象把大便排在路中央,一只蚂蚁正好路过,它抬头望了望那云雾缭绕的顶峰,不禁唱到:呀啦索,这就是青藏高原!我打了很久的,采纳一下吧!1 say to h**e a polar bear,because the snow ** too dazzling,must wear sunglasses to see things,but he could not find h** glasses,then closed h** eyes to climb on the ground,climb up,the hands and feet up the dirty to find sunglasses.wear a pair of sunglasses,a mirror to shine,it found that:oh,i'm a panda
    3 a polar bear to stay alone in a daze ice,really boring started pulling their hair,one,two,three,the last one left,and then he cold dead.
    4 once upon a time there lived a bird,he every day through a corn field,but unfortunately,a fire one day the cornfield,all corn into popcorn!the bird flew past later.that the snow,cold dead.
    5 xiao ming li of the new hair,the second day came to the school,the students saw h** new hairstyle,smiles:xiao ming,your head like a kite oh!xiao ming feel wronged,they ran out crying,crying tears,he would fly up.
    6 spider fell in love with the butterfly,butterfly refused it,spider ask:why?th** ** why!butterfly said:my mom said,mixing all day on the internet are not good
    the 7 summer day,two bananas walk on the road.walk in front of the banana suddenly feel very hot,he said,good hot oh,i want to take your clothes off.he put the skin to peel away.results fell behind the banana.then undressed banana becomes dried banana
    8 one day,three explorer finally find the"valley of hope",according to legend,just stand in the valley edge shouting what you want,then jump into valley in large numbers,get what you want.so the three of them decided to try to h**e a look.
    the first ** a goat,so he shouted,"a woman!the woman!there was a jump down in large numbers beauty waiting for him
    the second ** a nerd,shouted"book book book book book!then,jumping into the valley has been in large numbers of books
    the third ** a person always irresolute and hesitant,think of th** way and that ** not for them to decide the most love,an hour later,he finally determined,feel or money ** the most useful,so he went to the valley edge.accidentally kicked a stone,he scolded"**!but an unstable center of gr**ity down the valley.
    9 xiaoming,will h**e an exam tomorrow nest,but the night was to watch tv
    xiao ming mother asked:books are fin**hed?h**e an exam tomorrow
    xiaoming readily replied:mom,i fin**hed.
    xiao ming mother very happy pra**e xiaoming:good,that tomorrow you will do a good job
    xiao ming cried and said:mom,i said,'mom,i see,.'.
    the 10 panda love deer,expression love but was rejected.the panda roar~why?all th** ** why?the fawn timidly say:my mother said,wearing sunglasses ** bad boy
    11 one day xiaoming go on the road!walked suddenly feel the foot ** very acid!why?because he stepped on a lemon!among the 12 chinese characters which word ** the coolest?g-string(cool)
    towel"to"money"says:my son.you wear a doctor cap,also h**e a sudden r**e in social status.
    rule"to"do"said:the elder s**ter,the results come out.you are carrying twins.
    i"to"giant"said:and you h**e the same area.i h**e 3 rooms two hall.
    13 one day,a university teacher asked a student,there are ten birds in the tree,shot and killed one,how many are left?the students asked:** the silent p**tol?no gunshots h**e how old?80-100 db.hits the bird in th** city to violate the law?don't make.are you sure that bird was killed?determine.at th** time,the teacher was already impatient:",you told me a few birds left to go,ok?there ** no deaf birds on the tree?no.there ** no was shut in a cage hanging in the trees?no.there ** no other tree,the tree has no other bird?no.if the birds were pregnant,calculate do not calculate in the belly of a bird?don't count.human bird h**e flowers?no flower,h**e ten only.the teacher was already sweating,and fin**hes class the bell sound,but the students continue to ask:** there any silly not afraid dead birds?all fear death.will not shoot two?can't.students with full confidence,said:if you answer no lie"killed if the bird hanging did not fall in the tree,then remains one,if you fall,does not remain.the teacher was foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground!the 14 day,people pass the crossroads,found a super bloodcurdling thing,he found that kakashi and sun wukong even in laughter!15 a long time ago,one night,there are only three shrimp pond,ha ha ha,a ghost put a fart die.
    16 a biological study of female aliens came to earth,a circle,think the human gene has many lessons,she caught a man,want to put him back in and about human gene text data.but its small size,don't take him away,data too large,not a band.the anxiety,the ship's computer help system way:"th** person has a small stick can solve all of your problems."then she could see light suddenly,smile and keep slobber said to the man:".the u d**k to me!.
    17 there ** a depression,crossing the road,was accidentally truck tyre,be at one's last gasp when he looked at h** body,he said:"i was sweetened bean paste stuffing,not the meat stuffing
    the 18 eldest brother,you don't touch!you touch touch the hair above,let you feel lost,...




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