翻译 翻得好的追加分

Cecond Chance Cecond Chance
  • 冒险家Rex 冒险家Rex

    bailer to collect a stone,take a spoon tapping caramel pudding,reaching into the bag of grain into the depths of the sets of the ten means strawberry slowly ** the head
    2 bathrooms found forty years ago a small boy's treasure box together.
    3 eight-year-old,the mother died due to accident,grief over h** father also suffered from aut**m.he was a doctor,so he did a medical examination to amelie,the few contacts and daughter.the irony **,he merely on the bas** of amelie rapid heartbeat in check on the determination that she had heart d**ease,and she decided to stay at home recuperating.amelie has been deprived of their partnership with their peers the joy of playing together,let alone the imagination of her only free day pass to ride to their own interests to explore life.
    4emily positive and optim**tic in life,and hopes to help others in the group access to enjoyment and sat**faction.the people around her for a long time of loneliness and eccentric,eccentric personality乖张.their lives in what ** always difficult to haunt them.
    5.movie screen ** very delicate,full of beautiful bold colors of the rococo style of cr**p,emily innocence against the background of the character,as well as the cheerful tone of the film.yang tierson music production,about a cr**p,use of piano,violin,accordion,harmonica differences constitute a sui gener** would like the world.低吟like playing in the lake when the light drizzle of the pan-ripple,when the light pulse into the bailer,short conc**e notes,one of the main theme with variations,so le**urely on the rippling melody.variations by the main theme.
    6.her life ** full of colorful imagination,fun and positive.
    7.alone living in a small apartment on the fifth floor of par**.ma dream so special maid cafe.

  • 翻译高手进,这两百分不好赚,不过我有追加分

    提问时间:2024-05-04 13:40:46


  • 翻译一下

    提问时间:2024-05-04 20:20:30


  • 英语翻译翻译 以为主线 这个主线用什么词最好

    提问时间:2024-05-04 05:39:43

    主线是个名词,意思是占主导地位或主要统领事物发展的线条,特指作品内容的主要线索main thread

  • 急求翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    提问时间:2024-05-04 00:13:44


  • 求惊艳女子学院小游戏 全程翻译 答得好的加分大神们帮帮忙

    提问时间:2024-05-04 14:37:36


  • 求翻译达人帮忙翻译下。。希望不要是机器翻译的。完全不通!!

    提问时间:2024-05-04 16:39:20


  • 童趣翻译

    提问时间:2024-05-04 20:42:06

    i recalled child**h,can arrogance towards japan,perspicacious,see miaoxiao thing...

  • アリスマエステラ如何翻译?

    提问时间:2024-05-04 21:22:23

    アリス マエステラalice maestraalice 爱丽丝maestra的原意是 巨匠、名人 意大利语中(maestro)の女性形。跟英语 master的意...

  • 翻译 古文

    提问时间:2024-05-04 00:22:05


  • 游太和山日记 部分翻译

    提问时间:2024-05-04 04:01:21





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