

不良巫 不良巫
  • 沃芈沱和 沃芈沱和

    in particular,** the giant whale mass stranding of whales ** not uncommon,even in the same group of whales stranded in a few days in a row,but because it has always been hard to understand.according to the scient**ts speculate,as the whale to h**e a strong group of marine animals,and the scope of activities near the coast,so there are two possibilities:first,the leading whale sick,toward the beach,the other whales also customary to follow the whale to the forward setting;second,the whales chasing prey into the bank.when one or a few stranded whales,other whales will follow suit or to try to rescue,resulting in a large number of whales stranded at the same time on the same piece of the beach.不错的!




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