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    在单机假面骑士龙骑的游戏中not allowed to use advent cards是不允许使用出现卡。例句
    1、he ** not allowed to use a cell phone,let alone the internet.
    使用手机是不允许的,更不用说上网了。2、yeah,thir** of us against one bloke who’s not allowed to use magic;we’ve got no chance,said fred.
    没错,十三个对付一个,而且那一个还不能使用魔法。我们真是毫无希望啊。弗雷德说。3、we h**e*malia got a cell phone but they’re not allowed to use it during the week just like they are not allowed to watch tv during the week.
    marlia有手机,但她们周末以外的时间不可以用,就想她们周末之外不能看电视一样。4、search engines like google should not be allowed to use their market power to push forward other commercial activities of the same company,jan philipp albrecht of the greens told reuters,referring to a theory that google search results are ranked based on what's commercially smart for the firm,not the user.
    欧洲绿党人jan philipp albrecht对路透社说:类似谷歌这种搜索引擎,应禁止它利用市场力量推动其所属公司的其他商业活动。他理论道,谷歌的搜索结果是基于对公司的商业利益有价值的,而不是对于用户有价值的。5、in addition,you can only load the schema documents used in applications statically;a program ** not allowed to dynamically load and use schemas on the fly.




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