
lol s7

在你鼻尖跳芭蕾 在你鼻尖跳芭蕾
  • 煜煜同学 煜煜同学

    1、exo-m《你的世界(angel)》(into your world/angel)lyric translation.
    as immaculate as an innocent child
    reborn at that beautiful moment
    close my eyes and start to fear if all of th** ** just a dream
    留恋 我就真诚站在你面前
    yearning,i stand in front of you sincerely
    longing for you to see me
    i just want to stay(walk/be)with you
    两个人用同样的步调 协奏
    two of us walk in the same pace
    once will be enough(because it's forever)
    当我乘坐着风 在你的世界降落
    i ride the wind,land in your world
    白色的风 在你身边环绕着
    white wind,surrounding you
    你问我来自哪里 笑着回答是秘密
    you ask me where i come from,i smile and say"it's a secret
    just you and me stay(walk/be)together
    everywhere will be he**en
    to me,you shine brighter than an angel
    如果有谁对你不义 我一定不允许
    if somebody will not treat you right,i won't allow them to do that
    feeling nervous and uneasy just like the first time i enter the garden of eden(because he ** an angel>/<)
    让我每天只是望着你 心里一直想着你
    let me watch you everyday,always h**e you on my mind
    琐碎的尘埃和沙砾 我不会让那些伤害靠近你
    i will not let the trifling dust come near and harm you
    i will always guard you
    an eternally love 为你挡下狂风
    an eternally love,protect you from the storm
    become you guardian angel
    永远有我 就算世界都冷漠
    i will always be here,even if the world turned emotionless on you
    每次你痛苦委屈 为你会把泪擦去
    everytime you are m**understood/suffered in pain,i'll be here to wipe your tears
    如果是你和我 不管在哪里 天堂是随时和随地
    if it's just you and me,no matter where we are,we are in he**en
    i fell in love with you and h**e nowhere to turn back to
    翅膀已经不再拥有永恒的生命被夺走 oh no
    my wings are gone and my immortal life has been taken away
    but there's only one thing that still allow me to live in happiness
    that's because it's you,you are my eternity
    eternally love 当我乘坐着风 在你的世界降落
    eternally love,i ride the wind,land in your world
    白色的风 在你身边环绕着 from you
    white wind(from you),surrounding you
    你问我来自哪里 笑着回答是秘密
    you ask me where i come from,i smile and say"it's a secret
    just you and me stay(walk/be)together
    everywhere will be he**en
    now i see clearly
    the parts of you that i can't see
    now i hear clearly
    the pieces of you you can't speak
    seeing things that i'd never seen
    hearing the voice i couldn't hear
    you g**e me superpowers
    the rainy day you chose to le**e
    i was so self**h didn't l**ten to your pleading
    i was so fool**h didn't understand your heart
    and now everyday i try i'm changing
    although you're not here anymore
    yeah everyday that i change,
    it's because of your love
    if i turned back time
    and you were here with me
    if we turned back that page
    what else could we h**e been
    if you were here with me
    i was so self**h didn't l**ten to your pleading
    i was so fool**h didn't understand your heart
    and now everyday i try i'm changing
    although you're not here anymore
    yeah everyday that i change,
    it's because of your love
    if i turned back time
    and you were here with me
    if we turned back that page
    what else could we h**e been
    if you were here with me
    3、初雪(the first snow)
    after the afternoon of the first snow
    i wanted to share and enjoy with you,
    but only silence faced the microphone
    in the blink of an eye,a year has quietly
    passed again,the nostalgia for you fills my heart
    it’s loneliness,i mumble to myself
    if time could turn back,and return to that year
    and those feelings of love
    if i returned to that first time,
    whether everything would change
    yeah idiots say the ideas of dreams
    maybe can come true
    looking at your tears,it seems as if they’re blaming me
    i’m so stupid i don’t even h**e
    anything to say to make you stay
    are you well merry merry chr**tmas,
    i w**h you an even better life
    watching the white snow fall in the gaps of my heart
    ** it possible to drown all of the pains of the past
    i watched you le**e with regret
    le**ing me with my regretful chr**tmas
    over and over again?the memories are like street lights,
    scattered through the streets,
    the happiness of others flashing before my eyes
    because you are my breath,
    forever giving me the courage to love
    i was stupid to let you go,i am truly sorry
    it’s always the most ordinary principles,
    that you only learn to treasure after it’s lost
    i can’t forgive myself,and it’s
    too late to return to the past
    please believe me,and in my
    determination to change for you
    looking at your tears,it seems as if they’re blaming me
    i’m so stupid i don’t even h**e
    anything to say to make you stay
    are you well?merry merry chr**tmas,
    i w**h you an even better life
    watching the white snow fall in the gaps of my heart
    ** it possible to drown all of the pains of the past
    frozen on the face,** it snow,or are they tears
    with you th** further and further chr**tmas
    praying for a miracle to come again
    in my eyes,thinking of you again
    will make me shed tears
    tears are falling,falling,falling
    even if there ** a day,using my
    everything i can switch back to being at your side
    lighting the flame of life,
    until it finally extingu**hes for you girl
    looking at your tears,it seems as if they’re blaming me
    i’m so stupid i don’t even h**e
    anything to say to make you stay
    are you well?merry merry chr**tmas,
    i w**h you an even better life
    watching the white snow fall in the gaps of my heart
    ** it possible to drown all of the pains of the past
    so i’m apologizing as you’re le**ing
    while i’m left behind to regret it
    looking at your tears,it seems as if they’re blaming me
    (it seems as if they’re blaming me)
    i’m so stupid i don’t even h**e
    anything to say to make you stay
    merry merry chr**tmas,
    i w**h you an even better life
    watching the white snow fall in the gaps of my heart
    ** it possible to drown all of the pains of the past
    frozen on my face,** it snow or tears
    i w**h you a happy life,chr**tmas
    exo是韩国sm entertainment公司于2012年4月8日正式推出的12人男子组合。现以9名成员的形式展开活动,分别为金珉锡、金俊勉、张艺兴、边伯贤、金钟大、朴灿烈、都暻秀、金钟仁和吴世勋(按年龄降序排列),现活动成员中8名为韩国成员,1名为**成员。参考资料来源:百度百科-exo

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