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游戏 名字

是美人呀 是美人呀
  • 外是派 外是派

    lyaway gray hair apparated feet from them,blinking a little in the sudden
    brightness:the sun had just come out from behind a cloud.she barely had time to enjoy
    the unexpected warmth,however,before hermione’s silent stunning spell hit her in the
    chest and she toppled over.“nicely done,hermione,”said ron,emerging behind a bin beside the theater
    door as harry took off the inv**ibility cloak.together they carried the little witch into
    the dark passageway that led backstage.hermione plucked a few hairs from the witch’s
    head and added them to a flask of muddy polyjuice potion she had taken from the beaded
    bag.ron was rummaging through the little witch’s handbag.“she’s mafalda hopkirk,”he said,reading a small card that identified their victim
    as an ass**tant in the improper use of magic office.“you’d better take th**,hermione,
    and here are the tokens.”he passed her several small golden coins,all embossed with the letters m.o.m.,
    which he had taken from the witch’s purse.hermione drank the polyjuice potion,which was now a pleasant heliotrope color,
    and within seconds stood before them,the double of mafalda hopkirk.as she removed
    mafalda’s spectacles and put them on,harry checked h** watch.“we’re running late,mr.magical maintenance will be here any second.”they hurried to close the door on the real mafalda;harry and ron threw the
    inv**ibility cloak over themselves but hermione remained in view,waiting.seconds
    later there was another pop,and a small,ferrety looking wizard appeared before them.“oh,hello,mafalda.”“hello!said hermione in a qu**ery voice,“how are you today?“not so good,actually,”replied the little wizard,who looked thoroughly
    downcast.as hermione and the wizard headed for the main road,harry and ron crept along
    behind them.“i’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather,”said hermione,talking firmly over
    the little wizard and he tried to expound upon h** problems;it was essential to stop him
    from reaching the street.“here,h**e a sweet.”“eh?oh,no thanks –““i ins**t!said hermione aggressively,shaking the bag of pastilles in h** face.
    looking rather alarmed,the little wizard took one.the effect was instantaneous.the moment the pastille touched h** tongue,the
    little wizard started vomiting so hard that he did not even notice as hermione yanked a
    handful of hairs from the top of h** head.“oh dear!she said,as he splattered the alley with sick.“perhaps you’d better




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