

星球不战 星球不战
  • 兰馨儿 兰馨儿

    on the 4th of july,eigh** hundred and six
    we set sail from the cold bay of cork
    we were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
    for the grand city hall in new york
    she was a wonderful craft,she was rigged fore and aft
    and oh,how the wild winds drove her
    she had several blasts,she had 27 masts
    and we called her the ir**h rover
    we had one million bags of the best sligo rags
    we had two million barrels of stones
    we had three million sides of old blind horses hides
    we had four million barrels of bones.
    we had five million hogs,we had six million dogs
    and seven million celtic supporters
    we had eight million bails of old nanny goats' tails
    in the hold of the ir**h rover
    there was barney mcgee from the banks of the lee
    there was hogan from county tyrone
    there was charlie mcgurk who was scared stiff of work
    and a man from westmeathe called malone
    there was slugger o'toole who was drunk as a rule
    and fightin' bill tracy from dover
    and your man mick mccann
    from the banks of the bann
    was the skipper of the ir**h rover
    we had sailed seven years when the measles broke out
    and the ship lost its way in the fog(great fog!and the whale of a crew was reduced down to two
    just myself and the captain's old dog
    then the ship struck a rock,oh lord what a shock
    the bulkhead turned right over
    turned nine times around,and the poor old dog was drowned
    and i'm the last of the ir**h rover




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