
刘志远没有远方 刘志远没有远方
  • 小白白啊啊12138 小白白啊啊12138

    action 52
    1 fire breathers 火焰喘息者
    it's the last of the dragon wars.you must kill the dragon riders in the midnight skies and bring victory to the kingdom.
    最后的龙战争,你必须在午夜的天空下消灭龙骑士,为王国争取胜利。2 star-evil 星鬼
    the star gets brighter until there ** no night.then the fire creatures come out to rule and defeat you but kill them all and bring back the light.
    星星变得越来越亮直到黑夜消失。随即火焰生物出来统治并攻击你,把它们消灭干净才能带回光明。3 illuminator 点灯人
    the illuminator must find h** s**ter in the dark.he must also find batteries if h** get weak and can use a special spotlight to kill the enemies.can also get additional flashlights,but he must be careful of enemies like shadows,vampires and others.
    点灯人需要在黑暗中找到他的妹妹。如果他的能力变弱还必须找到电池,使用特殊点光源消灭敌人。也可得到附加光线,但小心像影子、吸血鬼之类的敌人。4 g-force fighters g-战士
    watch your fuel level.use it w**ely and escape the force that holds you.the enemies are strong but the g-force of the planet will take us as we get powerless.
    看着燃料表。机智勇敢地用他从你周围的枪林弹雨终逃脱。敌人再强大,这颗星球的g兵器让我们远离弱小。5 oooze 软泥
    **oid the green oooze.
    躲开绿色软泥。6 silver sword 银剑
    mutants in the forest and the must be fought off.
    打败森林里的怪物。7 crytical bypass 致命路过
    you h**e got to land with your valuable cargo,but the intense gr**itational pull on th** planet ** treacherous.you must initiate landing procedures defeat th** gr**ity problem and s**e your cargo.
    你满载着贵重的货物着陆,但星球上强有力的重力变化无常。你得小心着陆,阻止重力问题保住货物。8 jupiter scope 木星视野
    at first we saw one or two fall and thought nothing of it,never thinking it could result in a meteor shower.using the star-zap laser we shoot them out of the sky,before they collide with things,but the meteor shower gets intense.
    起初我们仅看见一两个流星并没有在意,谁知这将是流星雨的前兆,我们用“星球克星”激光枪赶在它们撞下来之前打他们出去,但是流星雨却下得越来越紧。9 alfredo and the fettuc's 阿尔弗莱德和费图其尼一家
    the pasta has gotten out of control,and you've got to race the clock and get the spaghetti,linguine and other pasta back into the pot where it belongs.
    面团失控了,抓紧时间接意大利面、青口和其他面团回到原来的位置。10 operation full-moon 登陆月球
    m**sion:assault luna base 1;drive your dune buggy through enemy territory,destroying all terrible occupants and establ**hments.better look around real good and le**e no moon-stone unturned.
    任务:袭击1号月球基地;驾驶沙丘小车通过敌方领土,摧毁所有恐怖的占有地和机构。最好观察各处也不要留下陨石。11 dam busters 大坝破坏者
    they are destroying everything and the only way to s**e the wildlife ** to break the dam and let the water free.
    他们摧毁一切,除非开闸放水才能拯救野生动物。12 thrusters 推进器
    you h**e right and left thrusters.hit full speed and use laser canons to **oid the alien invasions in the galaxy.
    推进器可左右方向推进。开足马力用激光炮反击银河系内外星人的入侵。13 haunted hills of wentworse 幽灵山
    ghosts and ghoulies are running loose in the cemetary.get them all back to where they belong and end the chaos in the halls of wentworse.
    鬼怪们在坟场到处盘旋,把他们各归原位并结束“变坏”大厅的混乱。14 chill-out 冷静
    old man winter ** at the top and ** your goal,but it keeps snowing and he's blowing.you must reach the top before you get snowed under.
    你的目标是顶上的严寒老人,它狂风呼啸雪花飘。在被雪埋住之前你得去顶上。15 sharks 鲨鱼
    you are a frogman and must collect rare marine creatures and recover lost treasures at the bottom of the sea.you h**e your stun-gun and can always retreat into your electromagnetic base that repels sharks and the rest of the enemies.your diving suit can only survive a few shark bites and ** useless against the deadly jelly f**h.
    你是必须收集海底稀有海洋生物和丢失宝物的潜水员。你可使用眩晕枪并且能随时退回到电磁屏障以击退鲨鱼和其与敌人。你的潜水服只能保护几种鲨鱼的袭击,大白鲨面前时则无能为力。16 megalonia 美加洛尼亚
    she comes out of no where with her evil armies.you must defend against the w**e after w**e of enemies and they will attack until only the empress machine megalonia remains.
    她带着她的邪恶**无孔不入,你必须迎接一波又一浪的敌人,他们将攻击直到皇后机器“美加洛尼亚”存在。17 the french baker 法国面包师
    you may try to keep the cookie patterns pounding,and the bread r**ing but it's not as easy as it sounds.
    试着把饼干击打发声,说着容易做起来难。18 atmos-quake 大气振荡
    the legions of space pirates are causing solar flares and sending shock w**es to destroy your planet.you must fly in and arrest them all.
    大量的太空海盗是导致太阳耀斑并发射冲击波摧毁你的星球。你要飞向太空逮捕他们。19 meong
    board game of strategy and skill.try to get places from starting line to goal.watch out for hidden traps.harder than it sounds.
    讲究策略和技巧的棋盘游戏。找到开始和终点之间的线路。注意隐藏的陷阱,说着容易做起来难。20 space dreams 太空梦
    there ** a black hole and on the other side are all your space dreams.you must get past all of the obstacles to enter the hole and realize your dreams.
    一个黑洞阻隔了你和你的太空梦,你必须克服困难进入洞中实现你的梦想。21 streemerz 攀升的绳索
    try climbing to the top of th** one by throwing steamers and climbing them.on your way up you better watch out for the various pie throwing clowns,burning candles and bouncing balls,because if they get you you'll die a little each time.
    用扔蒸汽船的方式攀登到顶上,在攀登路上最好注意扔饼干的小丑、燃烧的蜡烛和弹球,他们会浪费你的生命值。22 spread-fire 火花
    you may h**e some great weapons,in fact the best.you will need them to fight off the tremendous enemies that seem to multiply.
    23 bubblegum rosie 泡泡糖萝茜
    rosie ** looking for her gum,but so are a lot of other gum-starved critters.help her get her gum back but be careful the critters don't get you first.
    萝茜在找她的泡泡糖,却还有很多想吃糖的家伙。抢在他们之前拿回她的糖。24 micro-mike 微型麦克
    he's only the size of a flea,and it's difficult getting from her to their when your smaller than the strand of hair.it seems like your in the land of the giants.
    他像跳蚤一样小,对于比头发还小的你很难抓到她。你看上去像在巨人国。25 underground 地下
    tunnel th** way and that in order to find the gold.be careful of the other strange creatures you find here.
    挖隧道寻找黄金。当心地下的奇怪生物。26 rocket jockey 火箭牛仔
    futur**tic cowboy straddles a rocket attempting to lasso various robo-cattle.the lasso gains power as it glows brighter,but gets dimmer and loses power as the bad guys shoot and hit.
    未来牛仔骑着火箭试图套住机器牛。绳索发光时获得能量,反之当坏人开枪时黯淡和失去力量。27 non-human 非人哉!they're not human.they h**e a mind of their own.they are hungry and they want you as their next meal.get them before they get you.
    他们不是人,他们有属于自己的思想。他们饥肠辘辘妄图吃掉你以饱腹。在他们干掉你之前先干掉他们。28 cry baby 哭泣的婴儿
    try to get cry baby back to h** crib,but be careful to aovid open electric sockets,po**ons,fire in the stove.there are things to help along the way such as cookies,lollipops,candy bars and pacifiers.if the baby meets any bad guys trying to kidnap him he squeezes h** bottle and shoots them.
    把哭泣的婴儿放回摇篮,避免触电、**、火和暖炉。一路上饼干、萝莉棒和奶糖可以帮助你。遇到绑匪时婴儿挤出瓶子打他们。29 slashers 破坏者
    they are everywhere.mean guys with nails that are nine inch knives and they like to slash everything that comes into their path.don't get in their way or your the next victim.
    他们无处不在。刻薄的长指甲仔带有9英寸长的刀,他们要削掉路上的一切。别挡着路否则你就是下一个受害者。30 crazy shuffle 疯狂洗牌
    educational puzzle game.picture matching with many levels,game and options.tests memory and concentration skills.
    教育益智类游戏。对比各阶层的图片、游戏和选项。测试内存和注意力。31 fuzz power 毛绒力量
    fuzzy must get to the land of guru.he's got to **oid the walking brushes,hair dryers,combs and other natural hair d**asters,because if he losses all of h** hair he's bald and the game ** over.
    法吉要到咕噜**去,他要避开会走路的刷子、吹风机、数字和其它自然头部灾难,如果他头发掉光了就成**了,游戏也就结束了。32 shooting gallery 射击长廊
    seven different levels to test shooting skills.skeet shooting,gallery shooting,target shooting,quick-draw and a final shoot-out with bad guys and all.
    分七个等级测试射击技能。飞靶射击、走廊射击、靶子射击和最终真人实际枪战。33 lollipops 萝莉棒
    the chocolate monsters h**e taken lolli.you are johnny jawbreaker and must try to rescue her.
    巧克力怪物抢走了萝莉。你,约翰尼·乔布瑞克必须营救她。34 the evil empire 邪恶帝国
    arabian desert has bad arabians and genie's.hasha,the warlord has stolen the great genie.with it he will rule the land,unless you can defeat h** evil
    empire and s**e the genie.
    **伯沙漠有邪恶的坏人和神怪,军阀哈沙偷走了大神怪,他将利用其统治国土,只有你能打败邪恶帝国并拯救神怪。35 sombrero's 墨西哥帽子
    a chivato(thief)has stolen all of the sombrero's.you must use your p**tola,take the law into your own hands and get them back.
    所有的墨西哥帽子都被贼偷走了,你得用p**tola以法律为武器夺回它们。36 storm over the desert **
    using your tanks you must **oid the mine fields set by the evil army of satan hosain.the evil satan's army of soldiers will kill you or die trying.
    你得开坦克避开敌军撒旦》侯赛因布下的**阵。撒旦的**士兵会杀掉你或者同归于尽。37 mash-man 泥人
    your a funny looking dude with a little head and great big feet.you've got to mash everything in sight before they somehow mash you.
    怪里怪气的你长着小脑袋大身子和大脚。在别人把你捣成泥之前先同样干掉他们。38 they came from(outer space)他们来了(外太空)
    try killing all of the green-eyed monsters only to be attacked by their leader.
    干掉所有听从领导袭击的绿眼怪物。39 laser league 激光闪电同盟
    you're trapped in a warp with only your laser.you must try to stay alive collecting new weapons on the way and **oiding the traps they've set for you,until you can be rescued by the laser-league.

  • 《碧蓝航线》有哪些舰娘和装备是必捞的?必捞舰娘大全。

    提问时间:2024-05-10 22:10:09


  • 手机版的盗版舰队collection,舰娘收藏,是否有与舰娘结婚这个功能?有的话怎样操作?

    提问时间:2024-05-10 22:21:45


  • 舰队collection有哪些舰娘可以改二的

    提问时间:2024-05-10 14:40:11


  • 《碧蓝航线》柚是哪个舰娘_柚真名叫什么

    提问时间:2024-05-10 12:43:22


  • psv舰娘重巡洋舰好还是战列舰好

    提问时间:2024-05-10 00:15:30


  • ?碧蓝航线poi是哪个舰娘

    提问时间:2024-05-10 03:23:07


  • 战舰少女 e4 要准备哪些舰娘

    提问时间:2024-05-10 03:30:58

    看第一舰队全队的,6个都要,只摆两个,对面就只打两个 其实对方的胜负对你没啥用,不用特地摆

  • 新手求玩舰娘的正确方式~

    提问时间:2024-05-10 11:14:57


  • 哪个舰娘最适合参加宪兵队

    提问时间:2024-05-10 23:20:49


  • 舰娘**到底是舰娘收藏还是战舰少女啊,最贴近原作的那个

    提问时间:2024-05-10 21:55:39

    舰队collection 是日本dmm制作的,算是原版的,今年出过tv版的动画。不过不是**,是**,而且要玩的话需要**。战舰少女r是国内的游戏公司:幻萌制作...




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