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  • 兆捷023 兆捷023

    歌曲:murders in the rue mo.歌手:iron maiden 专辑:《new york palla.》
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    iron maiden-murders in the rue morgue
    i remember it as plain as day
    although it happened in the dark of the night.
    i was strolling through the streets of parie
    and it was cold it was starting to rain.
    and then i heard a piercing scream
    and i rushed to the scene of the crime
    but all i found was the butchered remains
    of two girls lay side by side.
    murders in the rue morgue
    someone call the gendarmes
    murders in the rue morgue
    le**e before the killers go free
    there's some people coming down the street
    at last someone heard my call
    i can't understand why they're pointing at me
    i never done nothing at all.
    but i got some blood on my hands
    because everyone's shouting at me
    i can't speak french so i couldn't explain
    and like a fool i started running away.
    murder in the rue morgue
    someone call the gendarmes
    murder in the rue morgue
    am i ever gonna be free.
    and now i've gotta get away from the arms of the law.
    all france ** looking for me.
    i've gotta find my way across the border for sure
    down the south to italy.
    murders in the rue morgue

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