

淡忘~~ 淡忘~~
  • 海哭泣 海哭泣

    when a child ** born(feat.ronan keating)-jai waetford
    a ray of hope flickers in the sky
    a tiny star lights up way up high
    all across the land,
    dawns a brand new morn
    th** comes to pass when a child ** born
    a silent w**h sails the seven seas
    the winds of change wh**per in the trees
    and the walls of doubt crumble,
    tossed and torn
    th** comes to pass when a child ** born
    a rosy hue settles all around
    you've got the feel you're on solid ground
    for a spell or two,no one seems forlorn
    th** comes to pass when a child ** born
    and all of th** happens because the world ** waiting,
    waiting for one child
    black,white,yellow,no one knows
    but a child that will grow up and turn tears to laughter,
    hate to love,
    war to peace and everyone to everyone's nei**our
    and m**ery and suffering will be words to be forgotten
    it's all a dream,an ** now
    it must come true,
    sometime soon somehow
    all across the land,
    dawns a brand new morn
    th** comes to pass when a child ** born
    it's all a dream,an ** now
    it must come true,sometime soon somehow
    all across the land,dawns a brand new morn
    th** comes to pass when a child ** born
    ** born
    ** born




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