

四川吴彦祖 四川吴彦祖
  • 王颖淡写流年 王颖淡写流年

    应该是艾薇儿的《when you're gone>>
    歌词:i always needed time on my own
    i never thought
    i'd need you there when i cried
    and the days feel like years
    when i'm alone
    and the bed where you lie
    ** made up on your side
    when you walk away
    i count the steps that you take
    do you see how much i need you right now?when you're gone
    the pieces of my heart
    are m**sing you
    when you're gone
    the face i came to know
    ** m**sing too
    when you're gone
    the words i need to hear
    to always get me through the day
    and make it ok
    i m**s you
    i never felt th** way before
    everything that i do
    reminds me of you
    and the clothes you left
    are lyin' on the floor
    and they smell just like you
    i love the things that you do
    when you walk away
    i count the steps that you take
    do you see how much
    i need you right now?when you're gone
    the pieces of my heart
    are m**sing you
    when you're gone
    the face i came to know
    ** m**sing too
    when you're gone
    the words i need to hear
    to always get me through the day
    and make it ok
    i m**s you
    we were meant for each other
    i keep forever
    i know we were
    all i ever wanted was for you to know
    everything i do i give my heart and soul
    i can hardly breathe
    i need to feel you here with me
    when you're gone
    the pieces of my heart
    are m**sing you
    when you're gone
    the face i came to know
    ** m**sing too
    when you're gone
    the words i need to hear
    to always get me through the day
    and make it ok
    i m**s you 展开

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