
尼若 尼若
  • 笑忘歌 笑忘歌

    britney spears的gimme (it's britney,**)
    (i see you,and i just wanna dance with you)
    everytime they turn the lights down
    just wanna go that extra mile for you
    you got public d**play of affection
    feel's like no one else in the room(but you)
    we can get down like there's no one around
    we'll keep on rockin'(we'll keep on rockin')
    we'll keep on rockin'(keep on rockin')
    cameras are flashing while we're dirty dancing
    they keep watchin'(they keep watchin')
    keep watchin
    feels like the crowd ** saying
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme(uh)
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme(uh)
    gimme gimme a center of attention(can you feel that?even when they're up against the wall
    you got me in a crazy position(yeah)
    if you're on a m**sion(uh-uh)
    you got my perm**sion(oh)
    we can get down like there's no one around
    we'll keep on rockin'(keep on rockin')
    we'll keep on rockin',rockin'(oh ah ha)
    cameras are flashing while we're dirty dancing
    they keep watchin'(wait)
    keep watchin
    (feel's like the crowd ** saying)
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme(uh)
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme(uh)
    gimme gimme (i just can't control myself,oh)
    (they want well i'll give'em oh![chorus]
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme more(gimme gimme gimme gimme(uh)
    gimme gimme more(ooh)
    gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme more(gimme oh yeah)
    gimme gimme ohh,gimme gimme more(more)
    gimme gimme baby
    i just wanna [chorus]
    gimme gimme
    gimme gimme gimme gimme
    gimme gimme gimme gimme
    gimme gimme gimme gimme
    gimme gimme
    bet you didn't see th** one coming
    the incredible lygo
    the lengendary m**s britney spears,haha
    and the unstoppable danja
    ha,you gonna h**e to remove me
    cause i ain't goin' no where,haha




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