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    tarzan,a fictional character created by edgar rice burroughs,first appeared in the 1912 novel tarzan of the apes,and then in twenty-three sequels.he ** the son of a brit**h lord and lady,marooned on the coast of africa by mutineers.h** parents died when he was an infant,and he was ra**ed by great apes of a species unknown to science.kala ** h** ape mother.tarzan(white-skin)** h** ape name;h** name ** john clayton,lord greystoke(according to burroughs;earl of greystoke in later,non-canonical sources,notably the 1984 movie greystoke).as a young adult,he meets jane,and when she returns to america he le**es the jungle in search of h** true love.tarzan and jane marry,and he lives with her for a time in england.they h**e one son,jack,who takes the ape name korak.tarzan ** contemptuous of the hypocr**y of civilization,and he and jane return to africa where,both being immortal,they still live.
    the tarzan character
    burroughs has created in tarzan an extreme example of a hero figure unalloyed with character flaws or faults.tarzan ** described by burroughs as being caucasian,extremely athletic,tall,handsome,and tanned.he has gray eyes.emotionally,he ** courageous,loyal and steady.he ** intelligent and learns new languages easily.he ** presented as always beh**ing ethically in all situations,according to burroughs' definitions.he ** deeply in love with h** wife and totally devoted to her.always the gentleman,in numerous situations where other women express their attraction to tarzan,he politely and as kindly as possible declines their attentions.if presented with a situation where a weaker individual or party ** being preyed upon by a stronger foe,tarzan will invariably take the part of the weaker party(and invariably,if eventually,win).in dealing with other men tarzan ** firm and forceful.with male friends he ** reserved but deeply loyal and a host he ** likew**e generous and a leader he commands devoted loyalty.
    in contrast to all these **e and soph**ticated capabilities and character**tics,tarzan's philosophy embraces an extreme form of"return to nature".h** preferred dress ** a knife and a loin cloth made from uncured animal hide.h** preferred abode ** a convenient tree branch which happens to be nearby when he desires to sleep.h** preferred food ** raw meat,killed by himself;even better if he ** able to bury it a week so that putrefaction has had a chance to tenderize it a bit.although tarzan ** able to pass within society as a civilized individual,he prefers to,as burroughs often puts it"strip off the thin veneer of civilization".
    th** philosophy was absorbed by countless fans,amongst whom was jane goodall,who describes the tarzan series as h**ing a major influence on her childhood.she states that she felt she would be a much better spouse for tarzan than h** fictional wife,jane,and that when she first began to live among and study the chimpanzees she was fulfilling her childhood dream of living among the great apes just as tarzan did.




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