忍者龙剑传3 刀锋边缘能不能给boss使断骨 怎么使


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    展开全部“does make me crazy”出自歌曲《crazy》。歌曲信息:
    歌手:gnarls barkley
    词曲:gnarls barkley
    i remember when,i remember,i remember when i lost my mind
    there was something so pleasant about that place.
    even your emotions had an echo
    in so much space
    and when you're out there
    without care,
    yeah,i was out of touch
    but it wasn't because i didn't know enough
    i just knew too much
    does that make me crazy
    does that make me crazy
    does that make me crazy
    and i hope that you are h**ing the time of your life
    but think twice,that's my only advice
    come on now,who do you,who do you,who do you,who do you think you are,
    ha ha ha bless your soul
    you really think you're in control
    well,i think you're crazy
    i think you're crazy
    i think you're crazy
    just like me
    my heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
    and all i remember ** thinking,i want to be like them
    ever since i was little,ever since i was little it looked like fun
    and it's no coincidence i've come
    and i can die when i'm done
    maybe i'm crazy
    maybe you're crazy
    maybe we're crazy




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