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    你的中文翻译我觉得对于电影来讲有点欠妥啊。1、每个人都可以做英雄,哪怕是做一件很小的事,比如给一个小男孩披上外衣,让他安心,让他知道生活还在继续。a hero can be anyone.even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hadn't ended.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 the dark knight r**es》
    2、你有没有这种感觉,你明知道你最爱的人可能死去,你却只能对他们撒谎。告诉他们一切都会好起来,但你却知道那不可能。等你明白这种感受,你就会看着我的眼睛对我说:对不起!h**e you ever had to talk to the person you loved most tell them it's gonna be all right,when you know it's not?well,you're about to know what that feels like,gordon.then you can look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    3、当你和罪犯同流合污,你是不是也开始同情他们?when you lived among the criminals,did you start to pity them?《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    4、当我第一次为了不饿肚子偷东西的时候,是的。我失去了判断是非善恶的观念。当我到处闯荡…我开始体会到犯罪前的恐惧…以及得手后的快感。但我从没有成为他们中的一员。the first time i stole so that i wouldn't starve,yes.i lost many assumptions about the simple nature of right and wrong.and when i tr**eled i learned the fear before a crime and the thrill of success.but i never became one of them.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    5、你周游世界就是为了了解罪恶的心理并克服你的恐惧。但罪恶本身并不复杂。你正真恐惧的是你自己的内心。你害怕自己的力量。你害怕你的愤怒…会驱使你去做一些伟大或者恐怖的事情。现在,你必须克服你内心的恐惧。准备好。you've tr**eled the world to understand the criminal mind and conquer your fears.but a criminal ** not complicated.and what you really fear ** inside yourself.you fear your own power.you fear your anger the drive to do great or terrible things.now you must journey inwards.you are ready.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    6、要克服恐惧,你就要成为恐惧本身。to conquer fear,you must become fear.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    7、韦恩家族的精神不只是砖块瓦砾,少爷。the wayne legacy ** than bricks and mortar,sir.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    8、我们为什么摔倒,少爷?为了能学会自己站起来。why do we fall,sir?so that we can learn to pick ourselves up.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    9、我在外表下是谁并不重要…重要的是我的所作所为才决定了我是谁。lt's not who l am underneath but what l do that defines me.
    《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 batman begins》
    10、布鲁斯·韦恩:我知道**是不会在没有经历战斗前就平静下来的,但是这一次不一样,他们很有两面性。阿尔弗雷德·帕尼沃斯:先生,是你先耍两面派的,也就说是你铸就了他们。在绝望中,他们变成了那种自己都没办法理解的人,有些人身上,就是找不到任何逻辑可言,他们不能被收买,也不会被恐吓,只能进行理性的谈判,但有些人,惟一想看到的,就是这个世界被摧毁。wayne:i knew the mob wouldn't go down easily but th** ** different.they crossed a line.
    alfred:you crossed the line first.you squeezed them,you hammered them to the point of desperation.and in their desperation,they turned to a man they didn't fully understand,because some men aren't looking for anything logical,like money.they can't be bought,bullied,reasoned or negotiated with.some men just wanna watch the world burn.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    11、高谭市**银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。看看你!你的信仰是什么?你相信什么?oh,criminals in th** town used to believe in things.hono.respect.look at you.what do you believe in,huh?what do you believe in?《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    12、小丑:这都是…计划中的一部分。because it's all part of the plan.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    13、哈维·登特:黎明前的黑暗,我向你保证,光明很快就来了!but the night ** darkest just before the dawn.and i prom**e you the dawn ** coming.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    14、哈维·登特:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么苟活着,直到看着自己变成了一个反派。you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    15、小丑:别跟他们那样满口仁义道德,你不是他们中的一员!再怎么着你都融不进去。对他们来说,你也不过就是个和我一样的怪胎。他们现在需要你。等他们不要你了,回头他们就要排挤你了。瞧瞧他们的道德准则,他们的法律法规:不过是个难听的笑话。一有危险他们就原形毕露。太平盛世的时候他们才能相安无事。我会证明给你看,危机关头,这些所谓的文明人就会相互吞噬。don't talk like one of them.you're not even if you'd like to be.to them,you're just a freak like me.they need you right now but when they don't they'll cast you out like a leper.you see,their morals,their code it's a bad joke.dropped at the first sign of trouble.they're only as good as the world allows them to be.i'll show you.when the chips are down,these these civilized people they'll eat each other.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    16、小丑:唯一明智的方法,生活是没有规则的。今晚你要去打破一条规则。the only sensible way to live ** without rules.and tonight you're gonna break your one rule.
    《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 the dark knight》
    英文用的电影原台词,你的中文翻译略文艺 感觉和电影里出现时的语感都有点不一样。还有疑问?




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