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    尽人皆知,直到1903年地球人才制造了第一架飞机。可奇怪的是,考古学家却发现了4000年前的飞机模型。1879年,英籍考古学家韦斯在埃及东北部荒芜沙漠中的abydos古庙(abydos temple)遗址内的浮雕壁画中,发现一个奇怪现象,就是看见与现今飞机形状极之相同的浮雕,以及一系列类似飞行物体。有一图案状似今日直升机,有图案状似潜艇或飞船,甚至还有“ufo”却出现于三千年前的古埃及。还有至少三至四个飞行物与今日的飞机形状极为相同,飞机在十九世纪才开发,但竟然在三千年前的古埃及的壁画中出现。在世界历史中,不少远古民族在发展语言和文字之初,均以壁画记载历史。出现在庙宇中的浮雕,也应该是古埃及人用以记载某一件事或表达某一种意思,但三千年前的人可以预言到今日的文明产物吗?在三千年前,即使是外星文明曾经降临过古埃及,当时的人亦未必有直升机和潜艇这些概念。并且,如果壁画内的“ufo”是外星人的,又为何要与现代文明的飞机画于同处?1898年,有人在埃及一座4千多年前的古墓里发现了一个与现代飞机极为相似的模型。这个模型是用当时古埃及盛产的小无花果树木制成的,有31.5克重。因当时人们还没有飞机这个概念,便把它念为"木鸟模型。这个模型现在放在开罗古物博物馆,编号为"物种登记"第6347号,放在第22室。直到1969年,考古学家卡里尔·米沙博士获得特许进入这个博物馆的古代遗物仓库,发现了许多飞鸟一样的模型。这些飞鸟模型有个共同特点,即都有鸟足,形状半人半鸟的,而这个模型除了头有些像鸟外,其他部分都跟现在的单翼飞机差不多;有一对平展展的翅膀,一个平卧的机体,尾部还有垂直的尾翼,下面还有脱落的水平尾翼的痕迹。为了弄清这架飞机模型的本来面目,米沙博士便建议埃及**组成特别委员会进行专门调查研究。1971年12月,由考古学家、航空史学家、空气动力学家和飞行员组成的委员会开始了对这架飞机模型的确认研究。经鉴定,许多专家认为,它具有现代飞机的基本特点和性能:机身长5.6英寸,两翼是直的,跨度7.2英寸,嘴尖长1.3英寸,机尾像鱼翅一样垂直,尾翼上有像现代飞机尾部平衡器的装置。尾翼除外形符合空气动力要求外,还有反上反角的特点,使机身有巨大的上升力。机内各部件的比例也很精确。只要稍加推动,还能飞行相当一段距离。所以,一些专家们断定,这绝不是古埃及工匠给国王制造的玩具,而是经过反复计算和实验的最后成品。后来在埃及其他一些地方,又陆续找到了14架这类飞机模型。更令人奇怪的是,在南美洲的一些地方,也发现了一些与古埃及飞机模型极为相似的飞机模型。在南美的一个**的地下约780英尺深的地方,挖出了一个用黄金铸造的古代飞机模型,跟现代的b52型轰炸机十分相像。据科学家们分析,这架飞机的模型不但设计精巧,而且具有飞行性能。美国纽约研究所的专家们在为这架古代飞机模型作过风洞试验后,绘制了一张技术图纸,这些图纸把古代飞机模型的概貌描绘了出来。1954年,哥伦比亚共和国在美国的博物馆展出过古代金质飞机的模型。后来在南美其他**也陆续发现过这类飞机模型。埃及与南美之间的飞机模型之间有什么内在联系吗?是埃及人架机曾经飞到过南美洲吗?既然4千年前的人已经发明了飞机,可为什么直到1903年才有了世界上的第一架飞机叱?古代人是凭借什么手段制造了飞机的呢?如果这些谜都解不开,人们就只好把这件事归结为外星人了。西方有些人就认为:几千年前的人根本不可能制造出飞机,这些飞机模型,都是外星人在地球上留下的制品。recently,jerry clark publ**hed the first of three volumes titled"ufos in the
    1980s,"an invaluable research tool containing a host of **rmation on the
    who,where and what of ufology.with h** kind perm**sion and the kind
    perm**sion of apogee publ**hing company,we are reprinting an article taken
    from that book-extraterrestrial biological th** article,jerry
    culls all of the past h**tory and controversy surrounding the mj-12 controversy
    and other related material that has spewed forth from the extreme side of
    ufology representing the eth such as lear,cooper and others.although th**
    might be considered by some to be"old news,"jerry's chronology of events shed
    a different light on the players that h**e made up th** compendium of scenarios
    aliens eating humans,genetic experimentation and the gamut of
    sensational**tic **rmation that drove paul bennewitz to an nbd at the kind
    hands of admitted-d****rmant,william l.moore.
    th** article ** being presented here in its entirety contained in 18 **s
    including th** one.the entire body of these **s are copyrighted(c)1990
    by apogee books with license to paranet(sm)**rmation service for
    reproduction on th** further reposting or copying ** allowed without
    express written perm**sion of the publ**her.
    th** file was provided by paranet(sm)**rmation service and its network of
    international affiliates.paranet has received exclusive perm**sion to reprint
    th** article by the copyright holder.
    for further
    **rmation on paranet(sm),contact:michael corbin paranet **rmation service 928 wheatridge,co 80034-0928
    ufos in the 1980s
    (c)1990 by apogee books and jerome clark pages 85-109
    biological entities
    perhaps the strangest and most convoluted ufo story of the 1980s concerns
    allegations from various sources,some of them individuals connected
    with military and intelligence agencies,that the u.s.** not only
    has communicated with but has an ongoing relationship with what are
    known officially as"extraterrestrial biological entities,"or ebes.
    the emenegger/sandler saga:the story begins in 1973,when robert emenegger
    and alan sandler,two well-connected los angeles businessmen,were
    invited to norton air force base in california to d**cuss a possible
    documentary film on advanced research projects.two military officials,one
    the base's head of the air force office of special investigations,the
    other,the audio-v**ual director paul shartle,d**cussed a number of of them involved** one sounded the most interesting and
    plans were launched to go ahead with a film on the subject.
    emenegger and sandler were told of a film taken at holloman afb,new mexico,
    in may october 1988,in a national telev**ion broadcast,
    shartle would declare that he had seen the 16mm film showing"three
    d**c-shaped of the craft landed and two of them went away."a
    door opened on the landed vehicle and three beings emerged.shartle said,
    they were human-size.they had an odd,gray complexion and a pronounced
    nose.they wore tightfitting jump suits,[and]thin headdresses that
    appeared to be communication devices,and in their hands they held a
    'translator.' a holloman base commander and other air force officers went
    out to meet them"(howe,1989).
    emenegger was led to believe he would be given the film for use in h**
    documentary.he was even taken to norton and shown the landing site and the
    building in which the spaceship had been stored and others(buildings 383
    and 1382)in which meetings between air force personnel and the aliens had
    been conducted over the next several days.according to h** sources,the
    landing had taken place at 6 a.m.the extraterrestrials were"doctors,
    professional types."their eyes had vertical slits like a cat's and their
    mouths were thin and slitlike,with no chins."all that emenegger was told of
    what occurred in the meetings was a single stray"fact":that the military
    people said they were monitoring signals from an alien group with which they
    were unfamiliar,and did their et guests know anything about them?the ets
    said no.
    emenegger's military sources said he would be given 3200 feet of film taken
    of the the last minute,however,perm**sion was
    withdrawn,although emenegger and sandler were encouraged to describe the
    holloman ep**ode as something hypothetical,something that could happen or
    might happen in the future.emenegger went to wright-patterson afb,where
    project blue book had been located until its closing in 1969,to ask col.
    george weinbrenner one of h** military contacts,what had happened.
    according to emenegger's account,the exchange took place in weinbrenner's
    office.the colonel stood up,walked to a chalkboard and complained in a
    loud voice,"that damn mig 25!here we're so public with everything we
    h**e.but the soviets h**e all kinds of things we don't know about.we need
    to know about the mig 25!moving to a bookshelf and continuing h**
    monologue about the russian jet fighter,he handed emenegger a copy of j.
    allen hynek's the ufo experience(1972),with the author's signature and
    dedication to weinbrenner."it was like a scene from a kafka play,"emenegger
    would recall,inferring from the colonel's odd beh**ior that he was confirming
    the reality of the film while making sure that no one overhearing
    the conversation realized that was what he was doing.




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