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    查理·卓别林 charles chaplin电影作品列表:(一共 299 个电影作品)
    作为导演查理·卓别林 charles chaplin的电影作品(数量:47)"the american experience"mary pickford-(2005)
    **女伯爵 a countess from hong kong-(1967)
    the chaplin revue-(1959)
    纽约王 a king in new york-(1957)
    舞台春秋/舞台生涯 limelight-(1952)
    凡尔杜先生/**的喜剧/**狂时代 monsieur verdoux-(1947)
    大** the great dictator-(1940)
    摩登时代 modern times-(1936)
    城市之光 city lights-(1931)
    马戏团 the circus-(1928)
    淘金记/寻金热 the gold rush-(1925)
    巴黎一妇人 a woman of par**:a drama of fate-(1923)
    朝圣 the pilgrim-(1923)
    发饷日/发薪日 pay day-(1922)
    弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 the kid-(1921)
    有闲阶级/无业游民 the idle class-(1921)
    光明面 sunnyside-(1919)
    快乐的一天 a day's pleasure-(1919)
    狗的生涯 a dog's life-(1918)
    债券 the bond-(1918)
    从军记/大兵日记 shoulder arms-(1918)
    the cure-(1917)
    ** the immigrant-(1917)
    冒险家 the adventurer-(1917)
    安乐街 easy street-(1917)
    救火员 the fireman-(1916)
    凌晨一点 one a.m.-(1916)
    当铺 the pawnshop-(1916)
    百货店巡视员 the floorwalker-(1916)
    the count-(1916)
    溜冰场 the rink-(1916)
    ** police-(1916)
    在银幕后面 behind the screen-(1916)
    流浪汉/街头提琴手 the vagabond-(1916)
    公园 in the park-(1915)
    流浪汉 the tramp-(1915)
    银行 the bank-(1915)
    a night in the show-(1915)
    a night out-(1915)
    新工作 h** new job-(1915)
    冠军 the champion-(1915)
    工作 work-(1915)
    在海边 by the sea-(1915)
    **女狼 a woman-(1915)
    计程车上的私奔 a jitney elopement-(1915)
    the rounders-(1914)
    作为演员查理·卓别林 charles chaplin的电影作品(数量:118)old hollywood:silent stars,deadly secrets-(2007)
    geraldine en españa-(2006)
    boffo!tinseltown's bombs and blockbusters-(2006)
    the american experience"mary pickford-(2005)
    douglas fairbanks:the great swashbuckler-(2005)
    the forgotten films of roscoe fatty arbuckle-(2005)
    cecil b.demille:american epic-(2004)
    final cut:the making and unmaking of he**en's gate-(2004)
    imaginary witness:hollywood and the holocaust-(2004)
    chaplin today:a king in new york-(2003)
    chaplin today:the kid-(2003)
    chaplin today:the gold rush-(2003)
    chaplin today:the circus-(2003)
    电影之光:卓别林的艺界人生 charlie:the life and art of charles chaplin-(2003)
    chaplin today:monsieur verdoux-(2003)
    chaplin today:modern times-(2003)
    outlaw comic:the censoring of bill hicks-(2003)
    chaplin today:city lights-(2003)
    chaplin today:a woman of par**-(2003)
    charlie chaplin-les années su**ses-(2003)
    the tramp and the dictator-(2002)
    chaplin today:limelight-(2002)
    captured on film:the true story of marion d**ies-(2001)
    without lying down:frances marion and the power of women in hollywood-(2000)
    canada:a people's h**tory"-(2000)
    第72届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 the 72nd annual academy awards-(2000)
    第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 the 71st annual academy awards-(1999)
    biography of the millennium:100 people-1000 years"-(1999)
    charlie chaplin:a tramp's life-(1997)
    birth of a nation-(1997)
    biography"sophia loren:actress italian style-(1997)
    sports on the silver screen-(1997)
    mary pickford:a life on film-(1997)
    judy garland's hollywood-(1997)
    the roaring twenties-(1996)
    chaplin's goliath-(1996)
    the casting couch-(1995)
    赛璐路壁橱 the celluloid closet-(1995)
    jackie mason:an equal opportunity offender-(1995)
    entertaining the troops-(1994)
    卓别林/卓别灵传 chaplin-(1992)
    a tribute to the boys:laurel and hardy-(1992)
    the chaplin puzzle-(1992)
    oscar's greatest moments-(1992)
    hollywood sex symbols-(1988)
    the secret life of sergei e**enstein-(1987)
    a good turn daily-(1983)
    变色龙/西力传 zelig-(1983)
    unknown chaplin-(1983)
    hollywood outtakes-(1983)
    ken murray shooting stars-(1979)
    **:职业生涯 hitler-eine karriere-(1977)
    it's showtime-(1976)
    america at the movies-(1976)
    brother,can you spare a dime?(1975)
    the gentleman tramp-(1975)
    chaplinesque,my life and hard times-(1972)
    **女伯爵 a countess from hong kong-(1967)
    the funniest man in the world-(1967)
    hollywood my home town-(1965)
    米高梅公司的喜剧电影回顾 the big parade of comedy-(1964)
    三十欢乐世界 30 years of fun-(1963)
    hollywood without make-up-(1963)
    nickelodeon days-(1962)
    days of thrills and laughter-(1961)
    滑稽大王 when comedy was king-(1960)
    the chaplin revue-(1959)
    纽约王 a king in new york-(1957)
    舞台春秋/舞台生涯 limelight-(1952)
    screen snapshots:memories of famous hollywood comedians-(1952)
    herrliche zeiten-(1950)
    凡尔杜先生/**的喜剧/**狂时代 monsieur verdoux-(1947)
    大** the great dictator-(1940)
    ewige jude,der-(1940)
    摩登时代 modern times-(1936)
    城市之光 city lights-(1931)
    show people-(1928)
    马戏团 the circus-(1928)
    淘金记/寻金热 the gold rush-(1925)
    朝圣 the pilgrim-(1923)
    巴黎一妇人 a woman of par**:a drama of fate-(1923)
    发饷日/发薪日 pay day-(1922)
    弃儿的故事/寻子遇仙记 the kid-(1921)
    有闲阶级/无业游民 the idle class-(1921)
    光明面 sunnyside-(1919)
    快乐的一天 a day's pleasure-(1919)
    狗的生涯 a dog's life-(1918)
    债券 the bond-(1918)
    从军记/大兵日记 shoulder arms-(1918)
    ** the immigrant-(1917)
    安乐街 easy street-(1917)
    the cure-(1917)
    冒险家 the adventurer-(1917)
    ** police-(1916)
    当铺 the pawnshop-(1916)
    凌晨一点 one a.m.-(1916)
    百货店巡视员 the floorwalker-(1916)
    救火员 the fireman-(1916)
    the count-(1916)
    流浪汉/街头提琴手 the vagabond-(1916)
    在银幕后面 behind the screen-(1916)
    溜冰场 the rink-(1916)
    公园 in the park-(1915)
    工作 work-(1915)
    新工作 h** new job-(1915)
    **女狼 a woman-(1915)
    冠军 the champion-(1915)
    流浪汉 the tramp-(1915)
    在海边 by the sea-(1915)
    银行 the bank-(1915)
    a night in the show-(1915)
    a night out-(1915)
    计程车上的私奔 a jitney elopement-(1915)
    kid auto races at venice-(1914)
    tillie's punctured romance-(1914)
    the rounders-(1914)
    making a living-(1914)
    作为编剧查理·卓别林 charles chaplin的电影作品(数量:49)"the american experience"mary pickford-(2005)
    卓别林/卓别灵传 chaplin-(1992)
    the adding machine-(1969)
    **女伯爵 a countess from hong kong-(1967)
    the chaplin revue-(1959)
    纽约王 a king in new york-(1957)
    舞台春秋/舞台生涯 limelight-(1952)
    凡尔杜先生/**的喜剧/**狂时代 monsieur verdoux-...




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