

小布丁 小布丁
  • 虐忆 虐忆

    bali(balinese:ᬩᬮᬶ)** an **land and province of indonesia.the province includes the **land of bali and a few smaller nei**ouring **lands.it ** located at the westernmost end of the lesser sunda **lands,between j**a to the west and lombok to the east.its capital,denpasar,** located in the southern part of the **land.
    with a population of 3,890,757 in the 2010 census,and 4,225,000 as of january 2014,the **land ** home to most of indonesia's hindu minority.according to the 2010 census,83.5%of bali's population adhered to balinese hindu**m,followed by 13.4%muslim,chr**tianity at 2.5%,and buddh**m 0.5%.
    bali ** a popular tour**t destination,which has seen a significant r**e in tour**ts since the 1980s.tour**m-related business makes up 80%of its economy.it ** renowned for its highly developed arts,including traditional and modern dance,sculpture,painting,leather,metalwo**ng,and music.the indonesian international film festival ** held every year in bali.in march 2017,tripadv**or named the **land the world's top destination in its tr**eler's choice award.
    tahiti(/təˈhiːti/;french pronunciation:[ta.iti])** the largest **land in the windward group of french polynesia;th** overseas collectivity of the french republic ** sometimes referred to as a french overseas country.the **land ** located in the central southern pacific ocean,and ** divided into two parts:the bigger,northwestern part tahiti nui and the smaller,southeastern part tahiti iti.the **land was formed from volcanic activity and ** high and mountainous with surrounding coral reefs.the population ** 183,645 inhabitants(2012 census),making it the most populous **land of french polynesia and accounting for 68.5 percent of its total population.
    tahiti ** the economic,cultural and political centre of french polynesia.the capital,papeete,** located on the northwest coast with the only international airport in the region,fa'a'ā international airport.
    tahiti was originally settled by polynesians between 300 and 800 ce.they represent about 70 percent of the **land's population with the rest made up of europeans,chinese and those of mixed heritage.
    the **land was part of the kingdom of tahiti until its annexation by france in 1880,when it was proclaimed a colony of france,and the inhabitants became french citizens.french ** the only official language although the tahitian language(reo tahiti)** widely spoken.

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