

喵喵 喵喵
  • 子非鱼 子非鱼

    好莱坞悍妇 hollywood vixens 1970
    巨蟹回归线 tropic of cancer 1970
    坎特伯雷故事 the canterbury tales 1971
    粉红火烈鸟 pink flamingos 1972
    ** last tango in par** 1973
    一千零一夜 a thousand and one nights 1974
    1900 1900 1976
    感官王国 the realm of the senses 1976
    厨师,小偷,他的妻子和她的情人 the cook,the thief,h** wife and her lover 1989
    邪魔 dark obsession 1989
    寒夜 in the cold of the night 1989
    亨利和琼 henry and june 1990
    现代爱情 modem love 1990
    捆住我!绑住我!tie me up!tie me down!1990
    赌规 dice rules 1991
    花街神女梦po**on 1991
    娼妇 whore 1991
    坏中尉 bad lieutenant 1992
    无发无天 romper stomper 1992
    人咬狗 man bites dog 1992
    玉炎 topaz 1992
    恶魔的传说 legend of the overfiend 1993
    茫茫苍海 wide sargasso sea 1993
    杀机 intent to kill 1993
    银行大盗 bank robber 1993
    巴黎,法国 par**,france 1993
    **地图 erotique 1994
    你如此疯狂 you so crazy 1994
    激情维纳斯 delta of venus 1994
    大投标 the hottest bid 1995
    枕边书 the pillow book 1995
    舒适的麻木 comfortably numb 1995
    **** showgirls 1996
    欲望号街车 crash 1996
    被打跨的英国人 broken 1996
    生命中不可承受之情 bent 1997
    地狱美女 hell\''s belles 1997
    极乐 bl**s 1997
    丑陋 ugly 1997
    长岛** l.i.e 2001




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