okay 游戏86 关怎么过?

游 戏

布洛克 布洛克
  • 默紫清 默紫清

    hey everyone.it's stacie.sorry i h**en't been on in a while,but i've been preoccupied with some pretty creepy **.for the past three weeks,the police h**e been scouting my property,escorting me to where ever i h**e to go,and,as child**h as th** may seem,looking under my bed.trust me.there's a reason.
    three weeks ago,my dog buddy went m**sing.normally,th** wouldn't be much of problem.buddy generally ran off down the street chasing cars,harassing cats-you know,all the annoying,cliche things a dog could possibly do.believe me-i've tried training him,but he's impossible.he's like a child.but he's my child,as weird as that sounds.my big dog who's just a little puppy at heart.anyway,he'd be gone for about two hours,then come strait home.however,after the fourth hour,buddy didn't come tearing through the doggy door.i started to worry a little bit.what could've happened to him?my mind filled with each possible v**ionary tale,showing me what could've happened to him.my heart started to race.then i remembered something.on rare occasions,buddy would go to v**it my father on the other end of town.i took a sigh of relief,picked up the phone,and proceeded to call my dad.as the phone rang,i stepped out onto the porch.i had a rather uneasy feeling.
    like someone was watching me.i looked up and down the street,around the corner of my house,over in my nei**ors' yards.i couldn't see anyone.i shook my head,realizing how child**h i was being.getting scared for no reason.i heard my dad pick up h** phone.he let out a cough to clear h** throat.
    y'ello?hey dad,it's stacie.
    oh,hey hun,how are ya?he started to yammer on about h** day,but i intervened.
    buddy's m**sing-he's not with you ** he?why would he be with me?he's your dog."i was silent for a while.now i was really worried.again,i got lost in all the possible thoughts of what could've happened to my friend.i was on the verge of tears.
    stacie?you okay hunny?my fathers voice snapped me out of it.i didn't want him to hear me cry-so i g**e him a response that didn't require me to open my mouth.
    mm hm."i responded.even then,you could tell i was about to h**e a breakdown."are you sure?yeah,yeah,i'm fine."i said-my voice cracking as i said it.i covered the mouth piece on my phone and swallowed the lump in the back of my throat.i composed myself,then started talking again."could you do me a f**our and just call me if he shows up there?sure thing sweety,i'll let you know."with that,we hung up and i went back inside.still with that feeling.that feeling like someone was staring at the back of head.i tried to d**m**s it from my mind with optim**tic thoughts of being reunited with my buddy again.it seemed to be wo**ng for the most part.i looked at the time,remembering that i had to wake up for the early shift tomorrow.so i turned off all the lights downstairs.then i made my way upstairs to the bathroom to take a quick bath and brush my teeth.finally,i closed the bathroom window and made my way to bed.
    at about 3:30am,i heard some no**es coming from the bathroom.i wasn't entirely awake,and i didn't exactly feel like investigating.i rubbed my eyes,which actually made my v**ion blurred than it already was.i propped myself up on my elbows and caught a glimpse of a dark figure making its way under my bed.i was now fully awake and in panic mode.suddenly i remembered buddy.every night,he would always sleep underneath my bed.i guess he liked the cool atmosphere.
    buddy?i asked as i flopped my hand over the side of the bed.i let my fingers dangle down in the darkness to show him it was me.so he could smell them or something.nothing happened.my heart started to race again."you okay bud?i asked with a somewhat shaky voice.i slowly laid my head back down on the pillow to help lower my hand further into the abyss.
    then,i felt buddy's smiley tongue lick my fingers.i let out a sigh of relief.
    you silly dog,"i said as i ra**ed my hand and closed my eyes,"i thought i was gonna h**e a heart attack."with that,i proceeded to fall back to sleep.
    although,i couldn't help but query about something.when he made h** way under the bed,he sounded.different.as if h** steps were he**ier or something.i started to feel uneasy.i felt the same way then as i did when i was talking to my dad on the porch.but i had to wake up early,so i let it go.
    about half an hour later i awoke with a chill,accompanied by a no**e.again,it came from the bathroom.it was a dripping no**e.slow,but nonetheless a no**e that woke me for the second time."must be the tap."i said to myself.i fought myself to get out of bed and fix the problem.when my feet hit the floor,buddy started licking my ankle.i jerked away from h** tongue.
    eeeeewww,buddy,no."i said as i walked to the bathroom.i closed the window with slight confusion.didn't i already close the window before bed?i asked myself.i just shrugged it off and tightened the taps at the sink.i made my way back to my bed,again,slinging my arm over the side of the bed.i felt a he**y breathing on my hand followed by a quick,but deep bite.
    i jerked my hand away.
    ow!buddy!i yelled at him,in a somewhat scolding manner.
    go away-lay down somewhere else.
    with that,he made h** way to the bathroom.buddy was acting so strange.i had known him to nibble on my fingers,but not full on bite my damn hand.i felt a warm liquid drip down my hand.i grabbed a couple of kleenex,and made a temporary band-aid.i was too tired to get up and put an actual band-aid on.i tried to get back to sleep,but buddy was making even no**e in the bathroom.it sounded like he was chewing on something.something tough-something he was trying to tear apart.
    good god-buddy shut up!h** chewing ceased.i closed my eyes and started to drift away.
    not long after,i was woken up yet again when buddy decided to jump on the bed.something struck me as odd though.the side he was on sunk down than it should've.i was a little freaked out at th** point.but,again,i focused on how i had to wake up early,so i brushed it off.then,i felt him lick my face.i was really close to locking buddy out of my room.
    buddy,enou-"suddenly,he was nibbling my ear.it dawned on me.th** wasn't buddy.i felt a shiver go down my spine.my heart felt like it was going to jump into my throat.then.i heard someone chuckle.
    you're delicious."said a psychotic wh**per from behind me.
    my eyes widened.i panicked.i let out a deafening scream as i rolled myself to punch him in the face.the stranger fell off the other side of the bed and made a loud 'thud' on the floor.i jolted out of bed,and ran towards the baseball bat that i keep by the door.i turned around and caught a glimpse of him running into the bathroom.i slowly crept towards the bathroom,ready to swing.i could hear nothing but my own heartbeat getting louder and faster with each step i took.i was at the doorway.i saw nothing but the open window.i hurried in and closed it.
    then i heard the dripping no**e again.i swung at the shower curtain,taking it off its hooks.he was in the shower-i swung again.when my bat made contact with the torso,blood splattered all over me.i took and second look and saw the most horrible sight.it finally made sense.what that dripping no**e was.buddy.mutilated.hanging in the shower by h** own intestines.
    that sick bastard designed a pulley system made from my dog.i dropped the bat and sunk to my knees.i felt my dinner starting to r**e back into my throat.i pulled myself towards the toilet,and vomited at the grotesque sight.i couldn't get h** voice out of my head.i couldn't stop shaking.tears were running down my face by th** point.i had never been scared about who or what could be underneath my bed.
    luckily,one of my nei**ours heard the commotion and called the police.they said i was lucky.turns out,th** guy's a rather unstable individual.apparently,he had been locked away since he was 12 for murdering and.devouring everyone in h** family.including h** pets.just recently,th** crazed cannibal slaughtered h** way out of the mental institution that he had been kept in.
    considering what could've happened,i am rather lucky.so,after three weeks of being couped up in a hotel room with a certified psycholog**t,the police h**e assured me that he ** long gone.now i'm home.updating everyone-assuring them i h**en't walked off the face of the earth.although.i'm not gonna lie,every now and then i still feel like he's watching me.like he's right behind me-waiting to get another taste.but he's gone now-so there's nothing to worry about,right?it's kinda chilly in here.i'll be right back.i just h**e to close the window.

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