
夏天君 夏天君
  • 埃及小毛驴 埃及小毛驴

    演 出 阵 容
    s**ter 1:s**ter 2:
    old witch:prince:
    cinderella was a poor girl.her mother and two s**ters hated her.one day,prince wanted to find a wife to be h** queen.he invited all girls in the country to join a party.with a kind witch's help,cinderella can wear beautiful clothes to the party.but cinderella must come home before 12 o'clock at midnight.when prince and cinderella danced until 12 o'clock,she escaped in a hurry and left a shoe there.however,after prince invited all girls to try it on.he found her.finally,both of them live together happily.
    act 1
    mother:cinderella,cinderella,sweep the floor!s**ter 1:cinderella,cinderella,wash the d**hes!s**ter 2:cinderella,cinderella,brush my shoes!cinderella:yes.
    s**ter 1:don't come to our room.
    s**ter 2:stay in the kitchen.
    act 2
    mother:come,girls.i h**e a letter form the prince.
    s**ter1:show me!s**ter2:show me!s**ter 1:oh,it's a dance-party!s**ter 2:how nice!s**ter 1:mother,am i pretty?mother:yes,you are very pretty.
    s**ter 1:then,i am the princess!s**ter 2:oh,no.1 am the princess!act 3
    old woman:why are you weeping?cinderella:i can't go to the dance-party.
    old woman:don't worry.bring me a pumpkin.bring me some mice.
    old woman:now,hurry up!go to the dance-party.but,you must come back before 12 o'clock~
    cinderella:thank you,ma'am.
    old woman:bye-bye.
    act 4
    mother:what a beautiful princess!s**ter 1:who ** she?s**ter 2:i don't know.
    prince:welcome,princess.i am the prince.please dance with me.
    cinderella:oh,i must go back good-by,prince.
    prince:wait,wait,princess!what's your name,please
    act 5
    servant:we are looking for the princess.
    servant:please try on th** shoe
    servant:ok,i'll try.oh,it's too big!servant:ok' i'll try.oh,it's too small!cinderella:may i try,too?s**ters:you?oh,no!servant:please try.oh.just right!servants:you are the princess!old woman:yes,she ** the princess.
    the end
    演 出 阵 容
    prince:servant 1:
    step mother:servant 2:
    s**ter 1:rabbit 1:
    s**ter 2:rabbit 2:
    cinderella was a happy girl once.her father and mother love her very much.but when her mother died,her father married a bad woman.after few years,her father also died.her step mother and the two step s**ters hated her,because she ** so beautiful and so gentle.they ask her to do all of the housework to make her dirtier and thinner…
    act 1 cinderella被继母和两个姐姐欺负的不开心的生活
    step mother:cinderella!cinderella!(由远及近地,边走边叫喊)sweep the floor!s**ter 1:cinderella,wash the d**hes!(凶)
    s**ter 2:cinderella,brush my shoes!(做作地,故作娇柔地)
    s**ter 1:don't come to our room!s**ter 2:stay in the kitchen!act 2 继母和两个姐姐的表演
    step mother:come here,girls.(故作神秘地)i h**e a letter from…the prince!s**ter1:oh!(倒抽一口气,不敢相信的样子)show me!s**ter2:show me!show me!(争抢信封)
    s**ter 1:oh,it's a dancing party!s**ter 2:how nice!step mother:so,you must prepare your dress,hairs,shoes,…oh!so many things!let’s do it,now.
    s**ter 1&2:ok!(齐声)
    cinderella:a dancing party?from the prince?oh,how wonderful!but…but…(叹气,然后继续擦地板)
    step mother:you!(指向cinderella)go out!(c无奈,退到一边)
    s**ter 1:mother,mother,(及不可待地)am i pretty?step mother:yes,you are very pretty.
    s**ter 1:then,i am the princess!s**ter 2:oh,no.1 am the princess!(争抢镜子)自由发挥…(三人趾高气昂地下场)
    act 3 小女巫,兔子与魔法—cinderella的舞会之旅
    witch:why are you weeping?cinderella:i can't,…i can’t…
    witch:you can’t go to the dancing party,right?cinderella:(点头)yes.how do you know?(惊讶,抬头)who are you?witch:(神秘地,有点得意地笑了笑)i…am the most smart witch!do you want to be the most beautiful girl in the dancing party tonight?cinderella:(点头)yes…(犹豫地)but,what can i do?i h**e no dress,no shoes,no…
    witch:(打断)don't worry!bring me a pumpkin.bring me some mice or rabbits.
    (变魔法的过程,惊讶,感叹,欢喜…自由发挥。例如:-th** ** two rabbits.they are my friends.–ok!look!now,they are your horses tonight.)
    witch:do you like?cinderella:oh!how can i show my thanks?witch:(得意地笑笑)no need any words.now,hurry up!go to the dancing party.but,you must come back before 12 o'clock.if not,everything will d**appear immediately.
    cinderella:thank you.
    act 4 愉快又慌乱的甜蜜舞会
    two rabbits:oh!it’s here!the palace!cinderella,look!(and l**ten!(圆舞曲音乐由小及大…cinderella优雅地步入宫殿)
    s**ter 1:mom,(手指c来的方向,不敢相信的样子)what a beautiful princess!step mother:ehhh…yeah!who ** she?s**ter 1:i don't know.
    servant 1&2:oh!my god!(抱在一起,难以置信的样子)
    (prince 看呆,惊艳!放开s**ter2的手,走向c。s**ter2生气,跺脚)
    prince:(彬彬有礼,小心翼翼地)welcome,princess.i am the prince.could i…could i invite you to dance with me?cinderella:(含笑,害羞地)of course!(在音乐下翩翩起舞,其他人退场)
    cinderella:oh,i’m very sorry,but i must go back now.good-bye,prince.
    prince:wait,wait,princess!what's your name,please?(c慌乱的逃跑,p追赶。c失落一只漂亮的鞋子,prince拾起。舞台上只剩prince独自惆怅,拿着那只漂亮的鞋子,音乐起—哀伤)
    narrator:so many days has passed,the prince still m**ses the girl who lost her shoe.he cannot eat,sleep,and do anything.the queen feels that,and worries about her only son.
    act 5 王子和王后的对话
    queen:what’s the matter,my son?prince:oh,mom.(难过地,有气无力地)
    queen:just tell me.may be i can help you.
    prince:do you remember the most beautiful girl in dancing party that day?queen:yes.but…
    prince:i want to find her.(有力地站起)no matter what,no matter how,i,will find out her and…(深吸一口气,坚定地)marry her!(突然又有些犹豫地,歉疚地看着q)mom…
    queen:ok!my son,if you decide,just does it.i will support you.(宽容温和地笑)
    prince:(感动地)thank you,mom.
    act 6 童话的美丽结局
    servants:we are looking for the princess.(敲锣打鼓,全城皆知)
    (绕两圈,走到two s**ters 和stepmother面前)
    servant 1:please try on th** shoe.one by one!servant 2:oh,it's too big!servant 2:ok,you please.oh,it's too big!(c悄悄来到姐姐们身后)
    cinderella:may i h**e a try?s**ters:you?oh,no!(servants小声商量)
    servant:every girl has th** chance.so please try.
    servant 1:oh.just right!servant 2:you are the princess!prince,look!witch:yes,she ** the princess.(帮c变身)
    prince:oh,my girl!(c一紧张,转身欲走,被p拉住。音乐起)
    narrator:th** ** the end.




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