
小米 小米
  • 末未未末— 末未未末—

    歌曲名:emancipated minor
    歌手:ani difranco
    专辑:red letter year
    ani difranco-emancipated minor
    emancipated minor
    and brilliantly casted
    riding the greyhound
    down to the city
    with her fake i.d.
    and a hell of a little handbasket
    little game of seesaw
    then he came to claim her
    and then the sordid line
    formed behind him
    reproductive system
    newly activated
    she participated
    in nature's plan
    she participated
    and i can't say i envy her
    i don't think i m**s it
    wrought iron cobwebbing
    over thin window panes
    the city seducing her
    on tiptoe to k**s it
    don't think twice
    roll the dice
    roll the dice
    so she took the dance classes
    she learned the little dance
    and she tried the high heels
    but she couldn't bring herself to prance
    and all the while a faint ticking
    in the silence between the songs
    just south of her gut
    two tiny time bombs
    and love comes in many forms
    and for each she would yearn
    just hungry as a student
    hungry to learn
    every species of person
    every fl**or of intent
    with the body pulsing
    at the center detent
    now all the good graffiti
    got painted over in time
    she watched the last faceless chain
    replace the last five and dime
    she wondered if
    the only noble thing
    ** to just get a big garden
    and plant it in the spring
    and k**s the city goodbye
    in a big graceful gesture
    and focus on the moon's groove
    and groove with the moon
    just focus on the moon's groove
    and groove with the moon
    and i can't say i envy her
    i don't think i m**s it
    wrought iron cobwebbing
    over thin window panes
    the city seducing her
    on tiptoe to k**s it
    don't think twice
    just roll the dice
    roll the dice




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