

Kkkkkkiki Kkkkkkiki
  • 积极的小可爱 积极的小可爱

    the story happened in ann goods-station pull(umbrella)company of biological engineering laboratory-"honeycomb",hundreds of genetics,bioengineering experts are wo**ng on a scientific research,a virus suddenly broke out and spread quickly,and the super computer"flame empress"in order to control the virus does not let its leaked to the ground,all closed,the virus will hive soon infected with all the staff.o alice,ryan and matt led a rescue team orders received and later at the buzzer hives,they must lead the task players will th** already destroyed hives all personnel virus quarantined.however,the players soon found these workers ** not really dead.they h**e now become wandering in the hives within the zombie horror.people but they bite or scratches on will be infected,and turned into zombies.
    facing the almost beyond the control of the situation,hundreds of walking around aggressive zombie,and mysterious sin**ter forces,rescue team players began their relief activities.




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