
炒鸡小阿萌✨҉ 炒鸡小阿萌✨҉
  • 郑二木 郑二木

    犯罪心理第四季17集片尾曲叫:my side of the story
    歌名:my side of the story
    所属专辑:my side of the story
    演唱者:jt hodges
    cold wind blows,i am shivering
    my body aches as my heart ** breaking
    why ** life making me hollow?why ** happiness casting me in the shadows?in the shadows.
    hold on,dont turn and walk away
    s**e me
    and i cried these words but nobody came
    im all alone,running scared
    losing my way in the dark
    i tried to get up,stand on a prayer
    but i keep crashing down hard
    th** ** my side of the story
    only my side of the story
    nobody cares,nobodys there,no one will hear
    my side of the story
    emptiness its all around me
    i try to catch my breath
    i barely survive and i
    cant go on and i come undone
    and theres nothing left in me
    hold on,dont turn and walk away
    s**e me
    and i cried these words but nobody came
    im all alone,running scared
    losing my way in the dark
    i tried to get up,stand on a prayer
    but i keep crashing down hard
    th** ** my side of the story
    only my burden to bear
    nobody cares,nobodys there,no one will hear
    as i fall down
    as i fall in
    and i cried these words but nobody came
    im all alone,running scared
    losing my way in the dark
    i tried to get up,stand on a prayer
    but i keep crashing down hard
    th** ** my side of the story
    only my side of the story
    my side of the story
    only my burden to bear
    nobody cares,nobodys there no one will hear
    my side of the story

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