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    stroke training
    force your opponent to make a diving shot。攻略要点:让对手飞身救球。尽量在底线大力往两边回球。(训练增加能力:stroke全部能力)
    hit a cross-court shot
    hit a max power groundstroke
    serve&volley training
    fin**h the point with a smash。攻略要点:回球后马上上网,等对手挑高球后就可以扣杀了。(训练增加能力:volley中的power)
    hit a max power serve。攻略要点:这个完全凭手感了,没什么好说的。(训练增加能力:serve中speed)
    hit 3 volleys in a row。攻略要点:在网前连续击球三次,注意不能中断。(训练增加能力:volley中angle)
    footwork training
    hit a running shot。攻略要点:在跑动中回球,注意不要跑过球的落点。(训练增加能力:footwork中lateral movement)
    hit a drop shot。攻略要点:打出下坠球。提前站好位,提前按削球键+方向键下可以发出。(训练增加能力:footwork中running to the net)
    hit 5 slice shots in a row。攻略要点:连续5次用削球回球。(训练增加能力:footwork中turning)
    technique training
    win the point with a forehand。攻略要点:正手回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke全部能力)
    hit 3 backhand in a row。攻略要点:连续3次反手击球。(训练增加能力:stroke全部能力)
    hit 3 lobs in a row。攻略要点:连续3个挑高球。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley全部能力)
    stroke training
    win the point with a cross-court shot。攻略要点:用穿越球得分。在底线先削球,对方上网再抽击。(训练增加能力:stroke中angle)
    win the point from behind the baseline。攻略要点:依然是站在底线大力回球得分。注意提前按下x蓄力。(训练增加能力:stroke中power)
    hit a return winner。攻略要点:接发球直接得分。最好站在靠近边线的位置,打斜线,将球沿原方向打回去,这样得分率较高。(训练增加能力:stroke全部)
    serving training
    serve into the corner
    win the point on a volley。攻略要点:上网截击得分。(训练增加能力:volleying中control)
    win the point within 4 shots of the serve。攻略要点:发球后4拍内得分。(训练增加能力:serving全部)
    footwork training
    win the point using only slices。攻略要点:只用削球,并得分。(训练增加能力:footwork中turning)
    win the point with a drop shot。攻略要点:用下坠球得分。先按x键放长球将对手逼到底线后,再放短削球即可。(训练增加能力:footwork中rushing to the net)
    play a 10 shot rally。攻略要点:和对手相持10回合。(训练增加能力:footwork中lateral movement)
    technique training
    win the point a lob。攻略要点:用挑高球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke全部)
    fin**h the point with a backhand。攻略要点:用反手回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke全部)
    win the point with a 4 shots rally。攻略要点:在第四把回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke中control)
    stroke training
    hit a max power groundstroke。攻略要点:打出最大力度的回球,最好站在底线后。(训练增加能力:stroke中power)
    win the point with shots from inside the baseline。攻略要点:在底线前回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke全部)
    win the point on your opponents error。攻略要点:靠对手失误得分。(对手回球出界)。基本只有你扣杀时,对手回球才会出界。(训练增加能力:volley中power)
    serve&volley training
    fin**h the point with a smash。(训练增加能力:serve全部)
    攻略要点:用扣杀得分。win the point with a volley in a rally of shot。攻略要点:上网截击得分。(训练增加能力:serve 和volley中control)
    footwork training
    win the point within 6 shots of the serve return。攻略要点:对方发球后6回合内得分。(训练增加能力:footwork全部)
    h**e you opponent volley 4 shots in a row。攻略要点:使你的对手上网连续回击4球。(训练增加能力:footwork中running to the net)
    fin**h off with a running shot。攻略要点:跑动中回球得分。(训练增加能力:footwork中lateral movement)
    technique training
    hit 7 backhand in a row。攻略要点:连续7次反手击球。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley全部)
    hit 5 forehand in a row。攻略要点:连续5次正手击球。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley中angle)
    win the point in a rally of 5 shots。攻略要点:在第五次回球时得分。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley中control)
    stroke training
    win the point with a max power groundstroke。攻略要点:在场地内最大力度回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke中power)
    wn the point with a groundstroke with a rally of 8 shots。攻略要点:在第八拍回球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke中control)
    win the point with a cross-court shot。攻略要点:用穿越球得分。(训练增加能力:stroke中angle)
    footwork training
    play a rally of 20 shots。攻略要点:和对手相持20回合。最好站在场地中间,这样比较好判断来球方向。(训练增加能力:footwork中turning)
    win the point within letting your opponent play a forehand。攻略要点:在你得分前使你的对手只用正手回球。(训练增加能力:footwork中lateral)
    win the point off an underhand serve。攻略要点:用方向键下+△发球,然后上网截击得分。注意方向键下只能轻点一下,要不然很容易发球下网。(训练增加能力:footwork中running to the net)
    serve&volley training
    win the point within 3 shots of the serve。攻略要点:发球后3回合内得分。(训练增加能力:serve全部)
    hit 5volley in a row。攻略要点:上网连续击球5次。(训练增加能力:volley中control)
    hit 3 smashes in a row。攻略要点:连续3次扣杀。(训练增加能力:volley中power)
    technique training
    hit 4 lobs in a row。攻略要点:连续4次挑高球。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley中control)
    win the point using only your forehand。攻略要点:只用正手击球并得分。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley中angle)
    win the point in a 10 shots rally。攻略要点:在第十把回球时得分。(训练增加能力:stroke和volley中control)




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