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    great leaders inspire greatness in others.
    伟大的领导者,能激发出他人的伟大力量。2.r**ing malevolence《毒牙毕露》
    belief ** not a matter of choice,but of conviction.
    信念无关选择,贵在坚定不移。3.shadow of malevolence《毒牙暗影》
    easy ** the path to w**dom for those not blinded by themselves.
    不为自身所蒙蔽者,易发现通向智慧之路。4.destroy malevolence《毒牙末日》
    a plan ** only as good as those who see it through.
    the best confidence builder ** experience.
    树立信心的最好方法就是依靠经验。6.downfall of a droid《机器人落难》
    trust in your friends,and they'll h**e reason to trust in you.
    信任朋友,才会得到朋友的信任。7.duel of the droids《机器人决斗》
    you hold onto friends by keeping your heart a little softer than your head.
    情大于理,友谊方能长存。8.bombad jedi《澎湃绝地》
    heroes are made by the times.
    时势造英雄。9.cloak of darkness《黑幕笼罩》
    ignore your instincts at your peril.
    相信直觉,方可趋利避害。10.lair of grievous《格里弗斯之巢》
    most powerful ** he who controls h** own power.
    克己自制,天下至强。11.dooku captured《杜库被俘》
    the winding path to peace ** always a worthy one,regardless of how many turns it takes.
    和平之路千百转,赴汤蹈火也心甘。12.the gungan general《冈根将军》
    fail with honor rather than succeed by fraud.
    宁虽败犹荣,勿胜之不武。13.jedi crash《绝地遇险》
    greed and fear of loss are the roots that lead to the tree of evil.
    贪婪与患失乃邪恶之根源。14.defenders of peace《和平卫士》
    when surrounded by war,one must eventually choose a side.
    arrogance dimin**hes w**dom.
    傲慢使人愚昧。16.the hidden enemy《内奸》
    truth enlightens the mind,but won't always bring happiness to your heart.
    真相使人醒悟,却未必使人快乐。17.blue shadow virus《蓝影病毒》
    fear ** a d**ease;hope ** its only cure.
    希望是治疗恐惧的唯一良药。18.mystery of a thousand moons《千月之谜》
    a single chance ** a galaxy of hope.
    一线机会,无限希望。19.storm over ryloth《赖洛思风暴》
    it ** a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.
    成就伟业之路,充满艰难坎坷。20.innocents of ryloth《赖洛思百姓》
    the costs of war can never be truly accounted for.
    战争的代价永远不能确切衡量。21.liberty on ryloth《赖洛思解放》
    comprom**e ** a virtue to be cultivated,not a weakness to be desp**ed.
    和解为贵,无可非议。22.hostage cr****《人质危机》
    a secret shared ** a trust formed.
    1.holocron he**t《全息仪窃案》
    a lesson learned ** a lesson earned.
    吃一堑,长一智。2.cargo of doom《末日货运》
    overconfidence ** the most dangerous form of carelessness.
    骄傲自满是疏忽大意的最危险形式。3.children of the force《原力的孩子》
    the first step to correcting a m**take ** patience.
    纠正错误,耐心为先。4.senate spy《议会间谍》
    a true heart should never be doubted.
    真爱无猜。5.landing at point rain《空降战略点》
    believe in yourself or no one else will.
    自信者方能取信于人。6.weapons factory《兵工厂》
    no gift ** precious than trust.
    最珍贵的礼物莫过于信任。7.legacy of terror《魑魅魍魉》
    sometimes,accepting help ** harder than offering it.
    有时,受惠比施恩更难。8.brain invaders《侵脑魔虫》
    attachment ** not compassion.
    同情并不等于感情的羁绊。9.grievous intrigue《格里弗斯的诡计》
    for everything you gain,you lose something else.
    有得必有失。10.the deserter《逃兵》
    it ** the quest for honor that makes one honorable.
    追求荣誉者受人尊敬。11.lightsaber lost《光剑失窃》
    easy **n't always simple.
    容易并不总意味着简单。12.the mandalore plot《曼达洛阴谋》
    if you ignore the past,you jeopardize your future.
    前事不忘,后事之师。13.voyage of temptation《诱惑之旅》
    fear not for the future,weep not for the past.
    不惧来日,莫悲往昔。14.duchess of mandalore《曼达洛女公爵》
    in war,truth ** the first casualty.
    真相是战争的第一个牺牲品。15.senate murders《议会**案》
    searching for the truth ** easy.accepting the truth ** hard.
    寻求真相尚易,接受真相却难。16.cat and mouse《猫与鼠》
    a w**e leader knows when to follow.
    明智的领袖善于纳谏。17.bounty hunters《赏金猎人》
    courage makes heroes,but trust builds friendship.
    勇气成就英雄,信任铸就友谊。18.the zillo beast《斯洛怪兽》
    choose what ** right,not what ** easy.
    只选对的,不选易的。19.the zillo beast strikes back《斯洛怪兽反击战》
    the most dangerous beast ** the beast within.
    最危险的猛兽藏于人心。20.death trap《死亡陷阱》
    who my father was matters less than my memory of him.
    吾忆吾父,无论其名。21.r2 come home《r2回家》
    adversity ** a friendship's truest test.
    患难是友情的试金石。22.lethal trackdown《致命追查》
    revenge ** a confession of pain.
    1.clone cadets《**人学员》
    brothers in arms are brothers for life.
    一为战友,终生兄弟。2.arc troopers《arc士兵》
    fighting a war tests a soldier's skills,defending h** home tests a soldier's heart.
    冲锋陷阵显本领,保卫家园验真心。3.supply lines《补给线》
    where there's a will,there's a way.
    有志者事竟成。4.sphere of influence《影响范围》
    a child stolen ** a hope lost.
    the challenge of hope ** to overcome corruption.
    反腐乃未来之希望。6.the academy《学院》
    those who enforce the law must obey the law.
    the future has many paths-choose w**ely.
    未来多歧路,抉择需明智。8.evil plans《邪恶计划》
    a failure in planning ** a plan for failure.
    失败的计划导致计划的失败。9.hunt for ziro《追捕齐罗》
    love comes in all shapes and sizes.
    爱情跨越种族不论体形。10.heroes on both sides《双方英雄》
    fear ** a great motivator.
    恐惧是巨大的动力。11.pursuit of peace《追求和平》
    truth can strike down the specter of fear.
    the swiftest path to destruction ** through vengeance.
    evil ** not born,it ** taught.
    恶非天生,源自传授。14.witches of the m**t《迷雾女巫》
    the path to evil may bring great power,but not loyalty.
    balance ** found in the one who faces h** guilt.
    直面愧疚,内心方获平衡。16.altar of mort**《莫蒂斯祭坛》
    he who surrenders hope,surrenders life.
    放弃希望就是放弃生命。17.ghosts of mort**《莫蒂斯幽魂》
    he who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.
    企掌命运者,永不得安宁。18.the citadel《堡垒》
    adaptation ** the key to survival.
    anything that can go wrong will.
    凡事皆能出错。20.citadel rescue《堡垒营救》
    without honor,victory ** hollow.
    荣誉不在,胜利无光。21.padawan lost《学徒失踪》
    without humility,courage ** a dangerous game.
    匹夫之勇,实乃险招。22.wookiee hunt《伍基狩猎》
    a great student ** what the teacher hopes to be.




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