come on的常见口语用法有哪些

come on

尚勤 尚勤
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    main article:religion in réunion
    a malbar temple in réunionthe predominant religion ** roman catholic**m with hindu**m,**lam and buddh**m also represented,among others.
    french ** the only official language of reunion.although not official,réunion creole ** also commonly spoken by the majority of the can hear it in any admin**tration or office,but education ** only in french.[15]
    tamil ** taught as optional language in some schools.[14]due to the diverse population,other languages such as mandarin,hakka and cantonese are also spoken by members of the chinese community,but fewer people speak these languages as younger generations start to converse in french.the number of speakers of indian languages(mostly urdu and gujarati)** also dropping sharply.arabic ** taught in mosques and spoken by a small community of muslims.
    [edit]public health
    in 2005/2006,réunion experienced an epidemic of chikungunya,a viral d**ease similar to dengue fever,which infected almost a third of the population.see the h**tory section for details.
    see also:music of réunion,sega music,and maloya
    réunionese culture ** a blend(mét**sage)of european,african,indian,chinese and insular traditions.
    the most widely spoken language,réunion creole,derives from french.however,an official orthography has yet to be agreed upon.
    local food and music blend influences from africa,india,china and europe.
    see also:réunion national park
    furcifer pardal**(chameleon)[edit]wildlife
    main article:wildlife of réunion
    see also:l**t of extinct animals of réunion
    réunion ** home to a variety of birds such as the paille en queue.its largest native land animal ** the panther chameleon,furcifer pardal**.much of the west coast ** ringed by coral reef which harbours,amongst other animals,sea urchins,conger eels and parrot f**h.sea turtles also v**it the coastal waters.
    main article:transport in réunion
    roland garros airport,handling flights to madagascar,mauritius,africa,australia and europe serves the **land.pierrefonds airport,a smaller airport,has some flights to mauritius and madagascar.
    one of the largest news**s in réunion ** the j.i.r.(journal de l'île de la réunion).
    the **land ** 63 kilometres(39 mi)long;45 kilometres(28 mi)wide;and covers 2,512 square kilometres(970 sq mi).it ** similar to the **land hawaii insofar as both are located above hotspots in the earth's crust.
    the piton de la fourna**e,a shield volcano on the eastern end of réunion **land,r**es than 2,631 metres(8,632 ft)above sea level and ** sometimes called a s**ter to hawaiian volcanoes because of the similarity of climate and volcanic has erupted than 100 times since 1640 and ** under constant most recently erupted on 2 january 2010.[7]before that,the most noticeable was during april 2007,when the l**a flow was estimated at 3,000,000 cubic metres(3,900,000 cu yd)per day.[8]the piton de la fourna**e ** created by a hotspot volcano,which also created the piton des neiges and the **lands of mauritius and rodrigues.
    the piton des neiges volcano,the highest point on the **land at 3,070 metres(10,070 ft)above sea level,** north west of the piton de la fourna**e.collapsed calderas and canyons are south west of the kohala on the big **land of hawaii,the piton des neiges ** extinct.despite its name,snow(french:neige)practically never falls on the summit.
    the slopes of both volcanoes are he**ily forested.cultivated land and cities like the capital city of saint-den** are concentrated on the surrounding coastal lowlands.
    réunion also has three calderas:the cirque de salazie,the cirque de cilaos and the cirque de mafate.the last ** accessible only by foot or helicopter
    see also:cafres,indo-réunionna**,malbars,and chino**(réunion)
    ethnic groups present include people of european,african,malagasy,indians and chinese origin as well as many of mixed race.local names for these are used:yabs,cafres,malbars and zarabes(both ethnic groups of indian origin)and chino**(réunion).
    it ** not known exactly how many people there are of each ethnicity since there ** a ban on ethnic censuses in france,[10]which applies in réunion because it ** a part of the 1958 constitution.according to estimates,whites make up approximately one-quarter of the population,indians make up roughly a quarter,and people of chinese ancestry form roughly 3%.the percentages for mixed race people and those of afro-malagasy origins vary wildly in estimates.there are also some people of vietnamese ancestry on the **land,though they are very few in number.[11][12][13]
    people of tamil and gujarati origin make up the majority of the indo-réunionna** people;bihari and other origins form the remainder of the population.[14]the **land's community of muslims from north western india and elsewhere ** also commonly referred to as zarab.
    creoles(a name given to those born on the **land,of various ethnic origins),make up the majority of the population.groups that are not creole include people from metropolitan france(known as zoreils)and those from mayotte and the comoros.
    réunion ** very similar in culture,ethnic makeup,language and traditions to mauritius and the seychelles.réunion contains most of the same ethnic populations as mauritius but in different proportions.
    sugar was traditionally the chief agricultural product and export.tour**m ** now an important source of 2007 the gdp of réunion was 18.7 billion us dollars at market exchange rates.[2]the gdp per capita was 23,501 us dollars in 2007(at market exchange rates,not at ppp),[2]the highest in africa.[9]

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