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super sharp

米朵 米朵
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    xinq|08/17 2006,09:04 缩写 英文 中文
    aa always afloat 保持漂浮,永远漂浮
    acct account 帐目,帐户
    acpt acceptance 接受
    adcom address comm**sion 订舱佣金,租船佣金
    add.comm address comm**sion 订舱佣金,租船佣金
    adft aft draft 艉吃水
    adv.adv**e or advance 通知或提前
    a.f.advanced freight 预付运费
    a.f.b.air fright bill 空运运单
    agrd agreed 同意
    agrt agreement 协议
    agw all going well(取决于)一切顺利
    a.h.after hatch 后舱
    air draft length between water level and vessel's rail 水平面至船弦的高度
    am ante meridiem=before noon 上午
    amt amount 金额,数额
    a.n.arrival notice 到达通知
    a/r all r**ks 一切险
    asap as soon as possible 尽快,尽速
    asf as follows 如下
    attn attention 由.收阅
    a.v.ad valorem according to value 运价标记,根据商品的价值(计算运费),从价费率
    a.a.r.against all r**ks 一切险
    ac account current 一切险
    a/c for account of 费用由.负担
    acc.acceptance;accepted 已接受
    acc.cop.according to the custom of the port 按照.港口惯例
    a.c.v.actual cash value 实际现金价值
    a.d.a/d after date.日期以后
    add-on.tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary in us)费率标记(在美国也指按比例或仲裁决定)
    ad val.(a/v)ad valorem(according to value)从价费率(按离岸价格)
    adp automated data processing 自动数据处理
    adr european agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road
    aetr european agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport
    afra **erage freight rate assessment 运费费率平均运价
    agcy agency 代理公司,代理行
    agt.agent 代理人
    a.g.w.t.actual gross weight 实际毛重,实际总重量
    amt air mail transfer 航空邮寄
    a.o.account of.的帐上
    a/or and/or 和/或
    a/p account paid 已付帐款
    approx.approximately 大约
    arr.arrival 到达,抵达
    arrd.arrived 到达,抵达
    a/s after sight 见票后.
    a/s alongside 靠码头,并靠他船
    asap as soon as possible 尽快,尽速
    ass.associate 准会员,公司
    ata actual time arrival 实际到达时间
    atd actual time of departure 实际出发时间
    atp agreement for the international carriage of per**h able foodstuffs
    atty attorney 律师(美),代理人
    auth.authorized 授权的,认可的
    aux.auxiliary 辅助的,辅助设备
    awb air waybill 空运单
    ba bale capacity 包装容积
    bal balance 平衡
    baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,巴尔的摩期租合同
    bdl bundle 捆
    beam breadth of the vessel(船舶)型宽
    bends both ends 装卸港
    bimco baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会
    biz business 业务
    b/l bill of lading 提单
    bl bale 包(装)
    blading bill of lading 提单
    blft bale feet 包装尺码(容积)
    blk bulk 散装
    blkr bulker 散装船
    breakdown an itemized acount of.'item by item 细目分类
    b.rgds best regards 致敬,致意
    bs/l bills of lading 提单(复)
    b.t.berth terms 班轮条款
    b.a.c.bunker adjustment charge 燃油附加费
    b.a.f.bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费系数
    bags/bulk part in bags,part in bulk 货物部分袋装,部分散装
    b.c.bulk cargo 散装货
    b/d bank(er's)draft 银行汇票
    b.d.i.both dates(days)inclusive 包括始末两天
    bdth breadth 宽度,型宽
    bdy boundary 边境,界线
    b/g bonded goods 保税货物
    bk.bank 银行
    bkge brokerage 佣金,经纪费
    brl.barrel 桶,分英制美制两种
    b.w.bonded warehouse 保税仓库
    bxs.boxes 合,箱
    cableadd cable address 电报挂号
    cc carbon copy 抄送
    c.f.cubic feet 立方英尺
    c&f cost and freight 货价加运费
    cfs container freight station 集装箱货运站
    cic china insurance clause **保险条款
    cif cost,insurance and friehgt 到岸价格(货价,保险费,加运费价)
    cif&c cost,insurance,freight and comm**sion 到岸价格加佣金
    cl.b/l clean bill of lading 清洁提单
    co.company 公司
    c/o(in)care of 由.转交
    coa contract of affreightment 包运合同
    comm.comm**sion 佣金
    conbill conference bill of lading 公会提单
    congenbill conference general cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单
    co-op co-operation 合作
    corp.corporation 公司
    cosco china ocean shipping company **远洋运输总公司
    c/p charter party 租船合同
    cqd customary quick despatch 按港口惯常速度快速装卸
    cub cubic 立方
    cuft cubic feet 立方英尺
    cum cubic meter 立方米
    cy container yand 集装箱堆场
    cac currency adjustment charge 货币贬值附加费
    caconf cargo agency conference(iata)货运代理公会()
    c.a.f.currency adjustment factor 货币贬值附加费系数
    c.a.s.currency adjustment surcharge 货币贬值附加费
    cass cargo accounts settlement system(iata)货运费用结算系统
    c.b.container base 集装箱底
    c.&d.collection and delivery 运费收讫,货物交毕
    c.b.d.cash before delivery 交货前付现
    cbm cubic meter 立方米
    cc charges collect 收取运费
    ccl customs clearance 清关
    ccs consolidated cargo(container)service 集中托运业务
    c/d customs declaration **单
    cem european conference on goods train timetables 欧洲货运列车时刻表会议
    cfr cost and freight(incoterms)成本加运费价
    c.h.carriers haulage 承运业
    c.h.c.cargo handling charges 货物装卸费
    ch.fwd charges forward 运费到付
    c.i.a.cash in advance 交货前付现款
    c.i.f.&e.cost,insurance,freight and exchange 成本,保险费,运费,加汇费价格
    c.i.f.i.&e.cost,insurance,freight,interest and exchange 成本,保险费,运费,利息,加汇费价格
    c.i.f.&i.cost,insurance,freight and interest 成本,保险费,运费,加利息价格
    c.i.f.c.&i.cost,insurance,freight,comm**sion and interest 成本,保险费,运费,佣金,加利息价格
    c.i.f.c.&e.cost,insurance,freight,comm**sion and exchange 成本,保险费,运费,佣金,加汇费价格
    c.i.f.i.c.cost,insurance,freight,interest and comm**sion 成本,保险费,运费,利息,加佣金价格
    c.i.f.l.t.cost,insurance,freight,london terms 伦敦条款到岸价格
    c.i.f.w.cost,insurance,freight/war 到岸价加战争险
    cim international convention concerning the carriage of goods by railway
    cip carriage and insurance paid to(incoterms)运费和保险费付至.(指定目的地)
    civ international convention on the carriage of passenger and luggage by railway
    ckd completely knocked down(unassembled)完全分解的
    cm centimetre(s)厘米
    cm3 cubic centimetre(s)立方厘米
    cmr convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road
    c/n consignment note 发货通知书
    cnee consignee 收货人
    cnmt/consgt.consignment 发运
    cnor consignor 发货人
    c/o certificate of origin 原产地证明
    c.o.d.cash on delivery **
    c.o.f.c.container-on-flat-car(rail flatcar)(铁路)装运集装箱的平板车
    combiterms delivery terms for int'l groupage traffic 国际成组运输交货条款(货运代理人之间)
    cop customs of port 港口惯例
    c.o.s.cash on shipment 装船付船
    cotif convention concerning int'l carriage by rail(cim-civ)国际铁路运输公约
    c.p.customs of port 港口惯例
    cp carriage paid 运费已付
    c/p blading charter party bill of lading 租船提单
    cpltc conference port liner term charges 港口班轮装卸条款公会
    cpt carriage paid to(incoterms)运费付至(.指定目的地)
    csc container service charge 集装箱运输费用
    csc int'l convention of the safe transport of containers 国际集装箱安全公约
    csconf cargo service conference(iata)货运业公会
    cst container service tariff 集装箱运输费率
    c/t container terminal 集装箱码头
    c.t.conference terms 公会条款
    ct combined transport 联合运输
    ctd combined transport document 联合运输单证
    cto combined transport operator 多式联运经营人
    ctpc cargo traffic procedures committee(iata)
    cu.ft.cubic foot(feet)立方英尺
    cu.in.cubic inch(es)立方英寸
    cvgk customs value per gross kilogram(毛重)每公斤海关价值
    cvgp customs value per gross pound(毛重)每磅海关价值
    cwe cleared without examination 未经查验过关的
    cwt hundredweight 担,(英制)等于112磅,(美制)等于100磅
    cwo cash with order 订货时预付款
    cy currency 货币
    d diesel oil 柴油
    d300 diesel oil 300 tons 柴油300吨
    d/a document against acceptance 承兑交单
    dem demurrage 滞期费
    dep departure(船舶)离港
    dept departure 离港,处部
    desp despatch money 速遣费
    desponent owner second owner of the same vessel 二船东
    d.f dead freight 空舱费
    dft draft 吃水
    dhd demurrage and half despatch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半
    dhdwts despatch half demurrage and for wo**ng time s**ed 速遣费按滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算
    d/o delivery order 提货单
    d/p document against payment 付款交单
    d.t.a.definite time of arrival 确报,船舶确切到港时间
    dwc deadweight capacity 受载量
    dwct deadweight cargo tonnage 载重吨,受载量
    dwt deadweight tonnage 载重吨
    dwtc deadweight tonnage of cargo 货物载重吨
    daf delivery at frontier(incoterms)边境交货(.指定地)
    d.a.s.delivered alongside ship 船边交货
    dbk drawback 退(关)税
    dcas d**tribution cost analys** system 分拨费用分析系统
    ddp delivered duty paid(incoterms)完税后交货
    des delivered ex ship(incoterms)目的地船上交货(.指定目的港)
    deq delivered ex quay(duty paid)(incoterms)目的港码头交货(关税已付)
    ddu delivered duty unpaid(incoterms)未完税交货
    dia diameter 直径
    dir.direct 直接
    dm3 cubic decimetre(s)立方分米
    docimel electronic cim document 电子单证
    dwcc dead weight cargo capacity 载重量
    dwt dead weight ton 载重吨
    e.g.example gratia=for example 例如
    eiu even if used 即使使用(也不算)
    e/m export manifest 出口载货清单,出口舱单
    encl enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的
    e.&o.e.errors and omm**ions excepted 有错当查(错误和遗漏不在此限)
    eta estimated time of arrival(船舶)预计抵港时间
    etad expected time of arrival and departure(船舶)预计到达和离开时间
    etb expected time of berthing(船舶)预计靠泊时间
    etc expected time of commencement 预计开始时间
    etcd estimated time of commencing d**charging(船舶)预计开始卸货时间
    etd estimated time of departure(船舶)预计离港时间
    etl estimated time of loading(船舶)预计开装时间
    ets estimated time of sailing(船舶)预计开航时间
    exp export 出口
    exps expenses(费用)支出
    ece international convention for the harmonization of frontiers controls of goods
    ecu european currency unit 欧洲货币单位
    edi electronic data interchange 电子数据交换
    edifact electronic data interchange for admin**tration,commerce and transport
    edp electronic data processing 电子数据处理
    e.g.for example 例如
    eir equipment interchange receipt(containers)设备交接单(集装箱)
    excl.excluding 不包括,除.外
    exw ex works(incoterms)工厂交货(.指定地)
    f fuel oil 燃油
    f300 fuel oil 300 tons 燃油300吨
    fas free alongside ship 船边交货
    fcl full container load(集装箱)整箱货
    fdft fore draft 艏吃水
    feu fourty equivalent unit 40'标准集装箱
    fi free in(船方)不负担装货费用
    filo free in and liner out(船方)不负担装货费用,但负担卸货费用
    f.i.l.s.d.free in lashed,secured and dunnaged(船方)不负担装货,捆扎,加固,隔垫(料)等费用
    fio free in and ...

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