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    艾伯特·爱因斯坦于1879年3月14日在德国小城乌尔姆出生,他的父母都是犹太人。爱因斯坦有一个幸福的童年,他的父亲是位平静、温顺的好心人,爱好文学和数学。他的母亲个性较强,喜爱音乐,并影响了爱因斯坦,爱因斯坦从六岁起学小提琴,从此小提琴成为他的终生伴侣。爱因斯坦的父母对他有着良好的影响和家庭教育,家中弥漫着自由的精神和祥和的气氛。和牛顿一样,爱因斯坦年幼时也未显出智力超群,相反,到了四岁多还不会说话,家里人甚至担心他是个低能儿。六岁时他进入了国民学校,是一个十分沉静的孩子,喜欢玩一些需要耐心和坚韧的游戏,例如用纸片搭房子。1888年进入了中学后,学业也不突出,除了数学很好以外,其他功课都不怎么样,尤其是拉丁文和希腊文,他对古典语言毫无兴趣。当时的德国学校必须接受宗教教育,开始时爱因斯坦非常认真,但当他读了通俗的科学书籍后,认识到宗教里有许多故事是不真实的。12岁时他放弃了对宗教的信仰,并对所有权威和社会环境中的信念产生了怀疑,并发展成一种自由的思想。爱因斯坦发现周围有一个巨大的自然世界,它离开人类独立存在,就象一个永恒的谜。他看到,许多他非常尊敬和钦佩的人在专心从事这项事业时,找到了内心的自由和安宁。于是,少年时代的爱因斯坦就选择了科学事业,希望掌握这个自然世界的奥秘,而一旦选择了这一道路,就坚持不懈地走了下去,从来没有后悔过。1895年,爱因斯坦来到瑞士苏黎世,准备投考苏黎世的联邦工业大学,虽然他的数学和物理考得很不错,但其他科目没有考好,学校校长推荐他去瑞士的阿劳州立中学学习一年,以补齐功课。在阿劳州立中学的这段时光中使爱因斯坦感到快乐,他尝到了瑞士自由的空气和阳光,并决心放弃德国国籍。1896年,爱因斯坦正式成为一个无国籍的人,并考进了联邦工业大学。大学期间,爱因斯坦迷上了物理学,一方面,他阅读了德国著名物理学家基尔霍夫、赫兹等人的著作,钻研了麦克斯韦的电磁理论和马赫的力学,并经常去理论物理学教授的家中请教。另一方面,他的大部分时间是去物理实验室去做实验,迷恋于直接观察和测量。1900年,爱因斯坦大学毕业。1901年,他获得了瑞士国籍。1902年,在他的朋友格罗斯曼的帮助下,爱因斯坦终于在伯尔尼的瑞士联邦专利局找到了一份稳定的工作—当技术员。albert einstein on march 14,1879 in the german city of ulm was born,h** parents were jew**h.einstein h**e a happy childhood,h** father was a quiet,docile and good-hearted people,people who love literature and mathematics.h** mother made her strong,popular music and influence of albert einstein,albert einstein played study violin at age six.from the violin became h** lifelong companion.einstein's parents h**e a positive impact on h** family and education,home filled with the spirit of freedom and auspicious atmosphere.and newton,also did not show extraordinarily intelligent young einstein,on the contrary,will not speak to the than four years old.he ** even worried that home imbecile.when he was six,he entered the national school ** a very quiet child,like playing a game of patience and perseverance.for example,scrap ** for the house.1888 entered a post-secondary academic nor prominent,in addition to good mathematics,not how other kind of homework.especially in latin and greek,he was not interested in classical language.religious education must accept the german school,at the beginning of einstein very seriously.but when he read popular science books,understand that there are many religious stories are untrue.when he g**e up a pair of 12-year-old religious beliefs,and social environment in which all authority and casts doubt on the conviction.and develop a free flow of ideas.einstein d**covered a huge natural world around,it le**es an independent human ex**tence as an eternal mystery.he noted that he has a great respect and admiration of many people concentrate on th** cause,find a sense of freedom and peace.thus,the **s chose science einstein hoped that the mystery of the natural world.once chosen th** path,it ** unremittingly go away and never regretted it.in 1895,albert einstein arrived in zurich,switzerland,ready to apply the federal university of zurich.although he was very good in mathematics and physical examination,but were unsuccessful in other subjects,school recommended him to switzerland,arauca state secondary school for one year to pay all the homework.araujo schools in the state reside einstein happy th** time,he tasted freedom of the sw**s air and sunshine.and ** determined to give up german nationality.in 1896,albert einstein formally become a stateless person,and to get the federal university of technology.university,einstein fell in love with physics,on the one hand,he read the famous german physic**t kirchhoff.hertz and other works,maxwell's electromagnetic theory and the study of mechanical mach.professor of theoretical physics and often went to the home about.in addition,he ** the most time to experiment physics laboratory,indulging in direct observation and measurement.in 1900,albert einstein graduated from university.in 1901,he received sw**s nationality.in 1902,with the help of h** friends grossman,the sw**s federal patent office in bern,einstein finally found a stable job-as a technician.




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